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那男孩扑通一声坐下。The Boy sat down pimp.

你算什么?拉皮条的?。What were you, her pimp?

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你是个免费的男妓吗?You are free to pimp it?

他是个拉皮条的,他是个喜欢半夜起来跳踢踏舞的拉皮条的。Yes, he's a pimp. He's a big, tap dancing pimp!

艾斯特邦是个淫媒,也是他母亲的朋友。Esteban was a pimp and a friend of Bill's mother.

因为我喜欢你们,我不想为了钱而利用你们。I like you guys, and I don't want to pimp you for a penny.

在死之前,她和老鸨吵了一架,后只身到了香港。She had a quarrel with the pimp and she went alone to Hong Kong.

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金伯利和珍妮特在奔跑中碰到了罗科,他是一个皮条客,正在讲电话。Kimberly and Janet run into Rocco, a pimp talking on a cell phone.

10岁那年,一个31岁的皮条客发誓要好好照顾她。When she was 10, a 31-year-old pimp promised he would take care of her.

他坐在他的女孩的圈,我很喜欢你去,你这个小皮条客了。He was sitting on his girl's lap and i was like You go, you little pimp.

在死之前,她和老鸨吵了一架,后只身到了香港。Bessie died, she had a quarrel with the pimp and she want alone to Hong Kong.

探索迷幻的世界,像“皮条客”服饰访问隐藏的阶段。Explore the psychedelic world and dress like a "pimp" to access the hidden stage.

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一个皮条客让她睡数不清的男人,而她愿意为他做几乎任何事情。A pimp makes her fuck tons of guys and she is willing to do almost anything for him.

其中一个她所救的女孩之后在高中毕业典礼上致辞。One of the girls she rescued from a pimp later graduated from high school as valedictorian.

时代广场狗狗化妆日,一只扮成“皮条客文尼”的吉娃娃吸引了人群的目光。Chihuahua dressed as "Vinny the Pimp" seduces the crowd at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade.

而皮条客的传统形象与性工作的各种内容并不相符。The stereotypical image of the pimp does not correspond with the different contexts for sex work.

你们能想象他们如何一次次的给他拉皮条去收回他们的投入么?Can you imagine how they're just going to pimp him out over and over again to recoup their expenses.

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众所周知,一个名叫托尼·罗兰的白人老淫媒,手里掌握着纽约市最漂亮的窑姐。An old white pimp named Tony Roland who was known to handle the best looking working girls in New York.

那些所谓的要帮助你的人其实是在寻找那些能够让他们泄欲的工具。People who offer this kind of help are either looking for a punk, or are looking for someone to pimp out.

接下来的五年,到他入狱为止,这个皮条客几乎把她卖遍了整个美国西部。For the next five years, until he went to jail, her pimp trafficked her all over the Western United States.