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不仅仅只有高速公路上的气体。Gib nicht nur auf der Autobahn Gas.

努尔丁迅速命令谢尔库赫返回埃及。Nur al-Din quickly ordered Shirkuh to return to Egypt.

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但努尔丁是不会独自面对这位雄心勃勃的下属的。However, Nur al-Din was not alone in facing ambitious underlings.

晚更新世以来湖泊沈积环境波动变化加快。The environment of the Lop Nur Lake was fluctuant since Late Pleistocene.

在叙利亚,沙瓦尔轻易说服了努尔丁来支持他在埃及的事业。In Syria, Shawar easily convinced Nur al-Din to support his cause in Egypt.

诺是众多在国外进行无技术性工种的劳工典型。Nur is typical of many of the unskilled rural workers who make their way abroad.

索马里老资格议员中那些军阀利益维护者对努尔.侯赛因有很多不满。There is a lot of disaffection with Nur Adde among the old MP-warlord interests.

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罗布泊钾盐矿区地处气候极端干旱的塔里木盆地东部,区域范围内水资源极为贫乏。Lop Nur sylvite area lies in the east of Talim Basin that is very dry and poor in water resource.

Nur表示政府首先保障达尔富尔地区的安全和解散与政府结盟的民兵。Nur says the government must first bring security to Darfur and disarm government-allied militias.

未来的艾比湖可能完全干涸,成为第二个艾丁湖和罗布泊。It is predicatable that the lake will dry up completely in short period of time and become another Lop Nur.

他不怕那些裁判官,不怕保罗、彼得、约翰、马太①,他一个也不怕!He's noan feard uh t' bench uh judges, norther Paul, nur Peter, nur John, nur Matthew, nor noan on `em, nut he!

1146年赞吉死后,其子努尔丁成为阿勒颇摄政王和赞吉王朝的领导人。After the death of Zengi in 1146, his son, Nur ad-Din, became the regent of Aleppo and the leader of the Zengids.

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托提和田中的罗布泊计划,可以由分析其他集体辐射中毒来填补许多的空白。Tohti and Tanaka's Lop Nur project could fill in many gaps left open by analyses of other mass radiation poisonings.

萨拉丁继续刻意避免与努尔丁的私人会面,因为努尔丁显然会剥夺他的权力。Saladin continued to actively avoid any personal meeting with Nur al-Din, who may very well have removed him from power.

1980年,著名的华裔科学家彭佳木在第四次远征罗布泊时失踪。In 1980, Peng Jiamu, a noted Chinese scientist, went missing on his fourth expedition to the Lop Nur and was never found.

随着哈里发王权的瓦解,萨拉丁就自封为埃及的统治者,但仍附属于关系疏远的努尔丁。With the Caliphate gone Saladin now found himself the ruler of Egypt, though still a subordinate of the distant Nur al-Din.

同时,努尔丁也最终忍无可忍,开始为入侵埃及集结军队。In the meantime Nur al-Din's patience seems to have finally warn out and he began to raise an army for the invasion of Egypt.

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这家租车行在2001年12月──距那一年斋月结束只有八天时──将努尔解雇,而且宣布她没有资格再被雇用。The company fired Nur in December 2001 -- only eight days before Ramadan ended that year -- and declared her ineligible for rehire.

从最近的西努尔男装广告,利朗商务男装广告就可以分别看到奢华和浪漫的异国生活。The man from the west nur recently, the advertising business men"s advertising can see luxury and romance respectively the exotic life."

在罗布泊地区的土壤调查和建立的“罗布泊地区土壤图和数据库系统”是一个实例。By combining Landsat, MODIS, and Hyperion satellite imagery and field survey data, we have implemented a GIS database for the Lop Nur area.