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这是个发颤音的字母。This is a letter with a trill.

能见到她的确是令人兴奋的事。It was a real trill to meet her.

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几处早莺争暖树。Disputing for sunny trees, early orioles trill.

巴赫要求你能够一只手弹奏颤音,而不依靠另一只手。Bach wants you to trill one hand independently of the other.

早晨因反舌鸟山的鸟叫声而醒来使我心情为之兴奋。It gives me a thrill to wake up in the morning to the mockingbirds trill.

与此同时,它们用叽叽嘎嘎与众不同的颤音彼此呼唤。Meanwhile, they called to one another in their distinctive, creaky trill.

我也知道树上有高鸣的黄鹂,唱著入云的高调。I know golden orioles trill in the trees, their melody reaching the clouds.

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使用你的食指和无名指在抖音键,代替中指的使用。Use your index and ring fingers for the trill keys instead of the middle finger.

那么,如果你在临近尾声时弹错了颤音上,该怎么办?What do you do, then, if you happen to end up with the wrong trill note at the end?

这种方式或许对于初学者及尚未学习颤音的琴童适用。This may be appropriate for beginners or youngsters who have not yet learned to trill.

演奏者们常常把颤音演奏成波音,在绝大多数情况下波音也不能完整的演奏好。Players often play this trill as a mordent and in most cases even this is not done properly.

当妇女们从阳台发出颤抖的抗议声时,另一些人站到街角戒备。Others stand on street corners as lookouts while women trill their protest from their balconies.

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当音量稳定下来后,富有色彩的颤音时不时出现,从未停止。As soon as the volume steadies itself, the trill begins to descend chromatically , never resting.

当我们攀爬时,鸟鸣和狗吠打破了当地的平静。As we climbed, local warblers began to trill through the quietness and dogs barked in the distance.

因此,为了练习而刻意使颤音与另一只手相配合,会使得这支创意曲的教学效果大打折扣。Therefore, matching the trill to the other hand for practice defeats the lessons of this Invention.

我怎么也发不出那古怪的颤音,我想我一辈子也学不会意大利语。I'm afraid I cannot learn to speak Italian because I cannot pronounce the eccentric trill sound no matter how hard I try.

研究人员首先只播放了雄鸟的普通叫声,然后播放了伯劳鸟的警告声及雄鸟立即做出的回应声。They played just the male fairy-wren call. Then they played the trill of the wrens singing immediately after the butcherbirds.

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他们先单独播放雄性细尾鹩莺的声音,然后再播放紧接着屠夫鸟叫声的鹩莺啭鸣。They played just the male fairy-wren call. Then they played the trill of the wrens singing immediately after the butcher-birds.

另一个颤音和SPB之间的区别是,SPB路线是对称的,这意味着从一个点到另一个是相同的。Another difference between TRILL and SPB is that SPB routes are symmetric, meaning that the route from one point to another is the same going back.

主要危险因素有吸烟、高血压、血脂异常、脑血管疾病家族史、肥胖、酗酒、TIA病史、糖尿病、房颤等。The main dangerous factors included smoking, hypertension, abnormal blood fat, familial cerebrovascular disease, obesity, alcoholism, TIA medical record, diabetes and atria trill.