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你认为他吝于付出感情?You think he's emotionally unavailable?

刀豆种子。刀豆这种蔬菜在云南是没有的。A sword bean. It's unavailable in Yunnan.

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在紧急情况下,无法供应鲜牛奶。Fresh milk was unavailable during the emergency.

目前无法得到平均胸围的统计数据。Statistics on average chest size were unavailable.

胡默尔斯未来2个月将无法出场。Hummels will be unavailable for the next two months.

我去借书时,图书馆里却没有这两本书。When it comes to me, these two books is unavailable.

目前还没有动物样本的检测结果。Results of tests on animal samples remain unavailable.

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这段时间上传下载将不可用。Uploads and downloads will be unavailable at this time.

我就告诉欧文说雅克琳不行。So I just had to tell Irv that Jacqueline was unavailable.

当型别程式库无法使用时,这个方式就很有用。This approach is useful when a type library is unavailable.

这个网站无法获得归结于计划的维护储运损耗。This Web site is unavailable due to a planned maintenance outage.

所以真正的皇陵地宫我们现在是看不到的。So the real underground palace is still unavailable for us to see.

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如果某个物料在系统中无效,需要分配其到CHF。Assign unavailable parts in CHF in oracle system if it is necessary.

放弃自由作家、临时工作值不值得?Is it worth being unavailable to accept freelance or temporary work?

让你的顾客知道,你在一定的时间段是不在工作的。Let your clients know that you’ll be unavailable during certain hours.

或者突然的没什么好理由,他就没办法帮你做事了。Or if he suddenly starts being unavailable to you without good reasons.

一个VFAT必须的设备或资源不存在,或者不可用。A device or resource required by VFAT is not present , or is unavailable.

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目前尚未能接触到农业银行及交通银行置评,而高盛则不愿加以评论.AgBank and Bocom were unavailable for comment. Goldman declined to comment.

西班牙警方和阿利坎特市的政府官员还没有就此事发表评论。Spanish police and local government officials were unavailable for comment.

分割方案为地理网格时,此属性不可用。This property is unavailable if the tessellation scheme is a geography grid.