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骨质疏松症是一种骨密度变稀的疾病。Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning disease.

笼养蛋鸡疲劳症是骨质疏松症的一种类型。Cage layer fatigue is a type of osteoporosis.

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钙,维生素D和更年期骨质疏松症。Calcium, vitamin D and involutional osteoporosis.

骨质疏松性骨折是骨质疏松症的严重后果。Osteoporotic fracture is a final result of osteoporosis.

黑升麻常用于关节炎和骨质疏松症。It will be effective for the arthritis and the osteoporosis.

而且,异黄酮还具有预防骨质疏松的作用。In addition, isoflavones also the prevention of osteoporosis.

低水平的维他命D能导致像软骨病和骨质酥松症等疾病。Low level levels of vitamin D can lead to rickets and osteoporosis.

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该单词词根中os-的前缀与单词osteoporosis中的os-前缀是同一个东西,有相同意思。The os- in the oyster word root is the same os- as in osteoporosis.

在医院,他们还发现,她患有骨质疏松症。And there was another discovery in the hospital. She had osteoporosis.

你的家人有没有犯过糖尿病、癌症、心脏病或骨质疏松?Do diabetes, cancer, heart disease or osteoporosis run in your family?

苏打会从你的骨骼中汲取钙最终导致骨质疏松症。Soda will leach the calcium out of your bones and promote osteoporosis.

木糖醇似乎有治愈骨质疏松的潜力。Xylitol also appears to have potential as a treatment for osteoporosis.

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双磷酸盐对治疗骨质疏松广泛有效。Bisphosphonates are popular and effective for treatment of osteoporosis.

骨康宁治疗肾虚型原发性骨质疏松有明显疗效。Gukangning appears to treat the osteoporosis with more effective results.

诸位可能猜到了,现代医学中常说的“骨质疏松症”缘由于此。This can lead to a condition labelled by modern medicine as osteoporosis.

大鼠骨密度测定方法及其在骨质疏松模型建立中的应用。Use of calcitonin in treatment of bone pain associated with osteoporosis.

可促进老人对钙离子的吸收,是预防老年人骨质松的有效营养补剂。It will help the aging to absorb Cal hydronium , and prevent osteoporosis.

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在饮用咖啡和女性的骨质疏松症之间有某种联系。There is a link between the consumption of coffee and osteoporosis in women.

甾体激素常用于骨质疏松症的防治。Steroidal hormones are often used in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

它甚至能够导致像骨质疏松和高血压这样的健康问题。It can even lead to health problems such as osteoporosis or high blood pressure.