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我知道自己罪孽深重。I know I'm sinful.

哇,我是多么罪恶呀!Wow, how sinful I am!

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他的精神和罪孽深重。He's spiritual and sinful.

我是个罪孽深重不干净的女子…I'm an unchaste and sinful woman.

怀疑并不必然是罪恶的。Doubting is not necessarily sinful.

消遣娱乐应该健康向上,不能低级邪恶。Let your recreations be manful not sinful.

决不允许罪恶的行为逍遥法外。Never allow a sinful act to go unpunished.

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因为仪式本身没有罪。There's nothing sinful about it, inherently.

到那时,我们不再有罪性。Then we will no longer have that sinful nature.

主啊,饶恕这些灾难深重的人吧,阿门。My lord, forgive all these sinful sinners , amen.

有罪的单身歌手的手指肌肤独特。The sinful pernal singer's finger suce is singular.

谁又能相信,比尔太太的面前是一个又一个罪恶的魔窟。Who can believe, Mrs. Bill in front of a sinful den.

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她很爱她的那个虽然不务正业而心地善良的父亲。She had fondly loved her sinful but good-natured father.

就此而论,有罪的母亲可要比那有罪的父亲有幸。Herein is the sinful mother happier than the sinful father.

谁又能置信,比尔太太的背后是一个又一个罪恶的魔窟。Who can believe, bill of Mrs. Another is behind sinful snare.

因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly.

那个预言家的咒诅吓坏了充满罪恶的群众。The execrations of the prophet terrified the sinful multitude.

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还有,我们自己应该把我们的罪性钉在十字架上。Furthermore we ourselves should be crucifying our sinful nature.

他告诉我们要分开,罪孽深重的行为,而是要照顾所有。He tells us to be separate from sinful acts, but to care for all.

由于他罪恶的一生,加达得到了一个鬼魂的躯体。And because of his sinful life, Jada attained the body of a ghost.