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这是一个大趋势。It's a broad trend.

怎样么会是趋势呢?How is this a trend?

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新潮流?Start of a New Trend?

缺陷的时间趋势。Time trend of defects.

徐也认同这一趋势。Hsu sees the same trend.

中国能否降压这种趋势?Can China buck this trend?

怎样缓和这种倾向呢?How to mitigate this trend?

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这个趋势已激发关注。This trend is sparking concern.

看来你们在开新风。You seem to have seta new trend.

权将其理解成一种流行趋势的图解吧。Consider it a diagram of a trend.

这或许是趋势的一部分。This is probably part of a trend.

这个趋势警醒了非科技类公司。This trend alarms non-tech firms.

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最新的文章继续倾向于这种说法。Newer articles continue the trend.

我相信这是一个下行趋势。I believe this is a downward trend.

目前也有降低的趋势Now, there's also a trend downward.

你们是怎么看待这种趋势的?What do you think about this trend?

是的。它将会成为一种趋势。Yeah, it will become a wider trend.

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物价的趋向是仍在上涨。The trend of prices is still upwards.

多风的趋势与气候变暖有关吗?Windy Trend Linked to Global Warming?

但它依然与媒体业更广泛的发展趋势相融。But it also fits into a broader trend.