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小塑料瓶是最好的容器。A small plastic vial is best.

这是一小瓶脊髓灰质炎疫苗。Here is a vial of polio vaccine.

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那么佬司认为比谷在那玻璃瓶里藏了什么?And what did Lars think Bigou hid inside that glass vial?

她转过身,把玻璃小瓶里的液体注入了注射器。She turned to fill the syringe from the vial of clear liquid.

它的笔形设计简单,方便携带,容易使用。Its pen-like vial that is easy and convenient to carry and use.

我们有人在实验室里找到了瓶你的血样-谁找到的?One of us found a vial of your blood in the lab--- which one of you?

同时,它非常便宜,一个水晶瓶和两个拉格维花就行。It's cheap to make too, something like a crystal vial and two ragveil.

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多剂药瓶中每一剂疫苗含有约25微克汞。One dose from a multiuse vial contains about 25 micrograms of mercury.

务必要按照气相色层分析仪的排列顺序记录条码号和样品瓶的位置。Be sure to record barcode numbers as well as vial positions in the GC line-up.

这一小瓶可卡因就像一条盘绕着的毒蛇,静静地躺在斯坦的口袋里。Like a serpent coiled in Stan's pocket, the little vial of cocaine lay quietly.

在晚间,卸妆、清洁,使用调肤水后,一次使用一整瓶特效滋养活颜14。Apply one vial of IRS at night after cleansing and toning for 14 consecutive days.

玛格丽特借故要去女洗手间,把药瓶捏在手中,然后扔下了她的钱包。She excuses herself to go to the ladies' loo, the vial palmed, and drops her purse.

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按照以下图表A的顺序把样品管放入相应的进样槽中,注意其位置编号。Place each vial into the tray according to Chart A, noting in which slot it is placed.

当我摸索润滑油的时候,突然听到最惊心动魄的一声响,小瓶滑落在地。I was reaching for the lube when I heard the most sickening sound, the vial falling over.

他沮丧地摇了摇头,把蓝色药瓶放回原处,“不过,我认为你们俩之间早已经有那份纽带了。”He shook his head ruefully and put the blue vial away. "But I think you have that already."

我小心翼翼地将这只小壁虎带回家中,原想将它寄养在小瓶子里。I gingerly the little gecko home, the former would like it to foster care in the vial yard.

七位天使都有一金带与一装在大怒的碗里的灾。The seven angels have a golden sash each and one of the plagues in a bowl or vial of wrath.

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“那是炭疽,”翻译解说道,指着那位妇女右手拿着的小瓶。"That is anthrax, " the translator explained, pointing to the vial in the woman's right hand.

旅馆没有牙刷、牙膏,洗脸盆旁放着的两小瓶是爽肤水和润肤露。The hotel no toothbrush, toothpaste, washbasin next two vial is placed in water and Toning Lotion.

跟汤顿一起生活期间,这对夫妇把盛有对方血液的小瓶挂在脖子上。During her marriage to Thornton, the spouses each wore a vial of the other’s blood around their necks.