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我有我的冷傲。I have me coldly arrogant.

威灵顿立在那里,冷峻而英勇。Wellington was coldly heroic.

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他朝天时冷冷地笑着。He smiled coldly at the angel.

医生冷酷地宣布她的死亡。Miracle coldly pronounces her dead.

“晚上好,约瑟夫,”我冷冷地说,“你今天晚上来有什么事?”Good evening, Joseph,' I said coldly.

黑川冷冷地答道。The black Chuan coldly answers a way.

她转过身来,冷淡地注视着我。She turned around and stared at me coldly.

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“看星星,”埃文冷冷地说。"Looking at the stars, " Evan said coldly.

他回身冷冷望著蓝染。Then he turns back to look at Aizen coldly.

世俗的荒凉,我却冷眼旁观。Secular ruined, though I will look on coldly.

教师对待学生不应该冷若冰霜。Teachers should not treat their pupils coldly.

资深的革命者冷静地对付局势。The senior revolutionary can play the situation coldly.

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另一些国家很冷淡地对待外国法庭的要求。others regard such requests from foreign courts coldly.

易水寒冷冷地注视着脚下的人。The easy water chill coldly looks at the person of foot.

卡尔先生冷冷地直盯着艾尔弗雷德。his face got red. Mr. Carr kept looking at Alfred coldly.

让我们平心静气,从两方面来谈谈滑铁卢吧。Let us, therefore, speak of Waterloo coldly from both sides.

“你不能到那间屋子里去画吗?”琼西冷冷地问道。"Couldn't you draw in the other room?" asked Johnsy, coldly.

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酋长玛丽娅?索,漠然地看着变化着的时代。The chief, Maria Suo, just watches the changing world coldly.

总是不相信,总是怀疑,总是冷眼而视。Always distrusting. Always suspecting. Always observing coldly.

可米考伯先生没走,他冷冷地盯着他的雇主。But Mr Micawber did not move. He stared coldly at his employer.