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华生明确地指出了这一点。And Watson was explicit.

要超越显形知识。Go beyond explicit knowledge.

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但是无神论者似乎很明确。But Atheist seems very explicit.

但是此处您需要明确指出。But here you need to be explicit.

他避免给我们明确的回答。He avoids the explicit answer to us.

他们明确地说出了离开的原因。They gave explicit reasons for leaving.

比如,柏拉图就曾明确提出过It was very explicit in Plato, for instance.

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支持嵌入类或者显式描述符Support class-embedded or explicit descriptors

请给我你这样做的明确的理由。Please give me a explicit reson for doing that.

从他的画作和写作作品中来看很明显。It's very explicit in his work and his writings.

如果我是上帝,我不会准许电视上有清晰版性爱。If I were God there would be no explicit sex on TV.

对于这个问题,我们尚不能得到明确的答案。To this question we haven't got any explicit on yet.

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但是这种复兴的目标并不明确。What exactly is this ‘rejuvenation’ is not explicit.

你听清楚没有,君公子。You listen to explicit to have no, gentleman childe.

外显有不同的方式。So there are different ways to making thing explicit.

该网站还附有公告,提醒读者短信内容露骨。The website carried a warning about explicit content.

前一种为明确知识,后一种为默会知识。The first kind of knowledge are explicit knowledge, a.

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您可能会注意到,主体没有显式的终结符。You may note that the body has no explicit terminator.

递归方法也需要显式的返回类型。Recursive methods also require an explicit return type.

我想使它,更加明确。And I just want to make that a little bit more explicit.