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鸟儿伴着飞瀑唱起婉转的情歌。Melodious birds sing madrigals.

舒展成一曲悠扬的歌。Stretching into a song melodious.

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这首音乐音调优美。This piece of music is melodious.

带来远处悠扬的琴声。Then brings the melodious tweedle.

优美的音乐从门缝中流泻出来。Melodious music escapes out the door.

古老的迷人的情歌,该多么欢畅!Their old, melodious madrigals of love!

我跑着跑着,忽然有悠扬的琴声传来。I suddenly the sound of melodious sound.

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追逐的年轻歌声多嘹亮。How melodious the song for youth pursing!

确实,她的声音很甜润。Indeed, her voice is sweet and melodious.

追逐的年轻歌声多嘹亮。How melodious the song for youth pursuing!

原理好懂,实践难行。Truth melodious rhythm, practice hard line.

悠扬的钟声,意味着一个崭新的起点。Melodious bell , mean a brand-new starting point.

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琴曲悠扬笛声脆。Melodious Sounds of stringed instrument and flute.

是这个歌曲作家为那只流行歌曲写的词。The music by that composer is always so melodious.

敲击它就会发出清脆悦耳的声音来。Striking at it produces clear and melodious sounds.

山谷中又传回她清脆的歌声。The valley reechoed her clear and melodious singing.

宁静致远,生活的悠扬旋律。Succeeds by a quiet attitude , life melodious melody.

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这个成语也用来形容旋律优美的音乐。This set phrase is also used to refer to melodious music.

这些悠扬的小夜曲真令人难忘,是吧?。Those melodious serenades are unforgettable, aren't they?

韩娥的歌声悠扬悦耳,吸引了很多的过路人。Her songs sounded melodious and attracted many passers-by.