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月长石,缠丝玛瑙,象群,以及一家潮湿昏暗的小酒馆…Moonstone, sardonyx, elephants, and a small dark bistro.

小酒馆的2110是美国,欧洲,和亚洲美食。Bistro 2110 serves American, European, and Asian cuisine.

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她带我去了一个安静的小酒馆,找了一个隐蔽的桌子。Instead she took me to a quiet bistro with a private table.

在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。To drink one last cup of coffeeat the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。To drink one last cup of coffee at the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

只是偶然,我重新茄子酒馆今年早些时候。Just by happenstance I revisited Aubergine Bistro earlier this year.

只是我的偶然性重新茄子酒馆今年早些时候。Just by happenstance I revisited Aubergine Bistro earlier this year.

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我决定去一个我最中意的地方,一家叫达芬奇的小酒馆。I decided to go to my favorite place a little bistro called daVinci's.

会员在西餐厅享用午餐时,买扎啤可免费赠送一杯。One free draft beer for purchasing draft beer at Lunch time in De Bistro.

这只不过是个精致的邻家小酒馆,只不过是一杯莎当妮。It was just a nice neighborhood bistro and it was just a glass of Chardonnay.

在克莱顿的抒情的小酒馆再喝上最后一杯咖啡。Lawrence River. To drink one last cup of coffeeat the Lyric Bistro in Clayton.

了解如何在此免费视频剪辑制作薄饼关于法国小酒馆午餐。Learn how to make a French bistro lunch in this free video clip about making crepes.

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该酒店提供免费停车场、一个水疗中心和一个可欣赏公园景致的餐厅露台。Enjoy some regional and international cuisine in the hotel restaurant and Bistro Maxx.

我穿过西奥多·修斯大桥,在一家高档的街角小咖啡馆停下,吃了早餐。I cross the Theodor Heuss Bridge and stop at an overpriced bistro for an early dinner.

坐在瓦勒拉的厨房内,一边喝茶,一边吃着咸味儿的白奶酪片。We are sitting in Valera's kitchen, bubbler tea and bistro slices of acrid white cheese.

一天,一个日本兵到我舅舅开的小酒馆里喝酒,喝完酒就要“花姑娘”。A bistro for, a Japanese soldier arriving my uncle openning in drink the wine, drink over wine will" flower miss".

在这间小酒馆里,能听到一些离奇的谈话,就以这里的奇人查理所说的为例吧。One heard queer conversations in the bistro. As a sample I give you Charlie, one of the local curiosities, talking.

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走入上海新天地北里的法蓝极品,会让人有走入私人宅邸的错觉。Upon entering Shikumen Bistro at the north of Shanghai Xintiandi, you would feel as if stepping into the private residence.

相反,她带我去了一个私人酒馆,而且在一张隐蔽的餐桌旁,我们喝了两杯鸡尾酒,享受着愉快的午餐。Instead she took me to a quiet bistro with a private table. We had a couple of mixed drinks and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.

而这里的居民还可以从大沼泽地中的空气船上看到短吻鳄鱼和白鹭,或者在市中心的小酒馆里悠闲地喝一杯。But residents can also spot alligators and egrets from an air boat in the Everglades or have a leisurely drink at a bistro downtown.