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一种由毛皮做成的衣服。A garment made of oilskin.

霉味或很重的味在衣服上。Mildew or heavily odor garment.

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上海仪华服饰有限公司。Shanghai Yihua Garment Co. , Ltd.

分有服装交易区。It has a garment transaction area.

耶稣,光明的衣袍,使我华美。Jesus, Garment of Light, adorn me!

衣服上缀满了珠子。The garment is studded with pearls.

去吧,我们一起去找破衣。Go, we go looking for broken garment.

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谁包水在衣服里。who hath bound the waters in a garment?

生活之外衣,我拼命扯撕And rend the garment of my life, in brief

那膏油接著流到亚伦的衣襟。The oil, then, runs down Aaron's garment.

当你的衣服被爱剥除时。When your garment is removed by the Love.

我想把这件衣服干洗一下。I'd like this garment dry-cleaned, please.

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你对我们服装行业有何看法?You are the views of the garment industry?

折磨者加大了订婚服装。The tormentor enlarged the engagement garment.

给那件新袍子一个风姿吧。Please give that new garment a graceful bearing.

丝绸服装的销路不错。The silk garment is a widely marketable product.

如果衣服不能用水洗,就得干洗。If a garment won't wash , it must be dry-cleaned.

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她穿着男人的衣服隐瞒自己的真实性别。She disguised her true sex under a man's garment.

在你的衣服中有这种装饰技巧吗?Do you have garment of this type of embellishment?

成品的缐步比要求每寸9针标准低。Garment were less than our standard of 9. S. P. I.