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针脚很匀。The stitches are neat.

这个例子很不错。And this is kind of neat.

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辽源是一个不错的地方。Liaoyuan is a neat place.

书桌整洁还是零乱?Is the desk messy or neat?

听起来像个还不错的挑战。Sounds like a neat challenge.

将整齐的印记钉入林间的Sets neat prints into the snow

我觉得那样也挺牛的I thought that was pretty neat.

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她看上去总是整洁、俐落。She always looks neat and trim.

所以你们可以做一些对齐。So you can do some neat things.

你的眉毛是否修过或齐整?Are your eyebrows trim and neat?

奥莉薇雅做什么都是干净整洁的。Olivia, so neat in all she'd do.

还是洁癖鬼该放松一下?Or should neat freaks loosen up?

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兔足,小巧而整洁。Feet hare-footed, small and neat.

整个屋子实在是过于整洁。The room was altogether too neat.

它还允许进行整洁的打包。It also allows for neat packaging.

事实上,我有一点洁癖。Actually, I'm a bit of a neat freak.

他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。He placed his books in a neat stack.

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维持楼层布草房的干净和整洁。Keep floor linen rooms neat and tidy.

五星级酒店设备齐全。Five-star cabaret have neat equipment.

人们不太好向整洁的人借东西。Neat people are no good to borrow from.