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烤羊肉串,油油的但挺有趣。Cumin lamb kebabs, oily but fun.

粉碎少数孜然或茴香种子和添加。Crush a few cumin or fennel seeds and add.

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黑种草种子是著名的多种用途。The black cumin seed is known for its many uses.

将南瓜拌油然后加入茴香等香料。Set aside. Toss squash with oil, then cumin mixture.

把孜然粒放入煎锅,并开到中高火。Place cumin seeds in a dry sauté pan over medium-high heat.

黑种草种子是一个关于3毫米小,长,是毛茸茸的。The black cumin seed is a tiny, about 3mm long, and is hairy.

少放点盐,多放点胡椒、辣椒、,桂皮、孜然或咖喱。Use less salt and more pepper, chili, cinnamon, cumin or curry.

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请用干烤孜然种子印度传统黄瓜Raita!Make a traditional Indian cucumber Raita with dry roasted cumin seeds!

烤羊肉串是无与伦比的,特别是加上一点孜然和少许滚烫的辣椒粉。Lamb skewers are the best, seasoned with cumin and a little hot pepper powder.

用食盐,柠檬汁,孜然粉,橄榄油和胡椒粉调味。Season with salt, lemon juice, olive oil, cumin powder and white pepper powder.

嫩鸡肉条,用红辣椒,干辣椒,孜然等香料腌制。Tender strips of chicken marinated with paprika, chilli, cumin and other spices.

入碗,勺上少许酸奶,洒上少许孜然粒食用。Ladle the soup into bowls, top with yogurt and sprinkle the reserved cumin seeds.

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孜然是欧芹科的一种淡绿色的香草植物,椭圆的形状并有着深深的条纹在种子表面。Cumin is the pale green seed of Cuminum cyminum, a small herb in the parsley family.

最近,我带回了满满一小袋贴着“黑孜然”标签的小小种子。Recently, I came home with a little bag full of tiny seeds labeled as "black cumin."

干炒孜然和芫荽籽,然后用杵和臼磨成碎末。Dry fry the cumin and coriander seeds, then grind them into a powder using a pestle and mortar.

加入孜然粉,食盐,胡椒粉和泡打粉拌匀,静置30分钟。Add baking powder, cumin powder, salt and white pepper powder, keep for 30 minutes before using.

羊肉串18串,肉色呈咖啡色,海椒面,孜然粉,味浓香辣。Mutton string 18 string, meat color was brown, hot pepper noodles, cumin powder, spicy Sauvignon.

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据说希腊医生迪奥斯科里季斯曾用黑孜然籽来治疗头痛和牙疼。The Greek physician Dioscorides supposedly used black cumin seeds to treat headaches and toothaches.

不添加任何孜然,只不过是无稽之谈,不认为所有的食物在新疆,那里有小茴香。Do not add any cumin , is simply nonsense, do not think that all the food in Xinjiang, where there cumin.

孜然粉或孜然精油被广泛的应用于传统的营养学、医学中。The compositions and functions of cumin essential oil have been extensively investigated at home and abroad.