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一位法官敲响他的小木槌。A judge bangs his gavel.

他敲下了木槌。He raps his gavel as we.

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法官严肃地拿起了小木槌。The judge took up the gavel with solemnity.

小木槌一敲便意味着会议结束。Then a gavel is struck and the meeting is over.

主席用他的小木槌在桌上重敲了两下。The chairman rapped on the table twice with his gavel.

最终,民主党人认为投票没有希望通过并接受了投票结果。Ultimately, the Democrats decided the votes were not there and they allowed the gavel to come down.

其一是选好肉料。最好选用质地柔嫩的猪里脊肉,再用木槌打烂肉块,切成细丁。One is selected meat-feed. The best selection of soft texture of the pork loin, and then gavel smashing Meat Loaf, cut into thin small.

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掌声中,联大主席戴斯的一声槌响,宣布任命潘基文的新任期自2012年1月1日起。They applauded loudly as assembly president Joseph Deiss banged his gavel and proclaimed Ban's appointment to a new term starting Jan. 1.

我的好朋友弗朗西斯科–阿尔贝蒂最近给一群痴迷模联的代表做了一个演讲,内容是模联所主张的法槌是一切是如何体现的。My good friend M. Francesco Alberti recently gave a little speech to a group of mesmerized delegates about how the gavel embodies everything for which MUN stands.

实际上,Hanbury-Tension先生补充道,在中国的拍卖厅内,如果一项拍卖品落锤成交,这仅仅是竞拍最终价格的一个开始而已。In practice, Mr Hanbury-Tenison adds, when the gavel falls on an item in a Chinese auction house, that is only the starting-point for negotiations over the final price to be paid.