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玛丽,苏格兰女王。Mary, Queen of Scots.

但是,苏格兰人又是从哪里来的?But where were the Scots from?

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苏格兰人就没有这种特权。Scots don't get that privilege.

苏格兰人喜欢鸣钟迎新年。The Scots like to ring in the New Year.

从今天起,詹姆斯就是苏格兰的国王了。From today, James is the new King of Scots.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。Scots are held in abhorrence all over Europe.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。Scots were held in abhorrence all over Europe.

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它是有关我的夫人玛丽苏格兰女王的故事。It is the story of my lady Mary,Queen of Scots.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。The Scots are held in abhorrence all over Europe.

苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。The Scots were held in abhorrence all over Europe.

人,苏格兰人把结婚这件事琢磨透了。Man, the Scots have this marriage thing figured out.

苏格兰女王一言不发,像座石像一样站在那里。The Queen of Scots was silent. She stood like a stone.

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这与苏格兰法中的未到法定成年期相适应。This corresponds to the period of minority in Scots law.

把苏格兰女王玛丽斩首是弑君行为。The beheading of Mary Queen of Scots was an act of regicide.

苏格兰女王喃喃地祈祷起来——尽管她几乎记不得什么祷词。The Queen of Scots murmured a prayer – she scarcely knew what.

伊丽莎白让苏格兰玛丽女皇,身处了这个尴尬的境地。She has subjected Mary Queen of Scots to precisely that position.

差不多有三分之一的苏格兰人要求迈克阿斯克尔为此辞职。Almost one-third of Scots want MacAskill to resign over the matter.

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还有相当数量的苏格兰移民带来了他们的凯尔特人习俗。A steady stream of Scots also carried Celtic traditions to the New World.

出于对系统崩溃的忧惧,更多的苏格兰人也许不愿脱离联合王国的庇护。Frightened by signs of collapse, the Scots may well cling to nanny instead.

这种和印度之间的贸易往来显示了苏格兰人敏锐的商业嗅觉。The tea flowing from India symbolised the acuity of Scots trading instincts.