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为何保加利亚玫瑰油这么贵?Why is Bulgarian Rose Otto so expensive?

为何保加利亚玫瑰油经常凝固?Why does Bulgarian Rose Otto solidify at times?

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保加利亚骑士的费厄泼赖奖现在给出了。Bulgarian Cavalier of Fairplay award is now given out.

可否直接将玫瑰油涂到皮肤上?Should I apply Bulgarian Rose Otto directly onto my skin?

为何保玫瑰油香气会变化?。Why does the fragrance of the Bulgarian Rose Otto change?

前调有竹叶,荔枝,保加利亚玫瑰和紫罗兰。Top notes include bamboo leaf, litchi, Bulgarian rose and violet.

1222年,他们进入欧洲击败俄军和保加利亚军队。In 1222 they entered Europe, defeating Russian and Bulgarian armies.

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内塔尼亚胡当天还会见了保加利亚总统珀尔瓦诺夫。Netanyahu also met the same day the Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov.

Richard是这家的养子,四岁半的时候在保加利亚一家孤儿院被收养。Richard was adopted from a Bulgarian orphanage when he was 4.5 years old.

然后命令撤回战前的苏保边界的命令下达了。An order to return to the base line, i. e. the old Bulgarian border, came.

好几代俄罗斯人就是吃着保加利亚罐装炖菜长大的。Several generations of Russians grew up on Bulgarian canned stewed vegetables.

保加利亚议会将于16日就不信任案进行辩论,并于17日投票表决。Bulgarian Parliament will no-confidence vote from 16 to debate and vote on the 17th.

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据悉,她最新的猎物是保加利亚猛男威克多尔·克鲁姆。Her latest prey, sources report is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum.

这是第二次在三场比赛的22岁的保加利亚击败了威廉姆斯。It's the second time in three matches the 22-year-old Bulgarian has defeated Williams.

这是保加利亚科学院生物物理研究所的网站。This is the website of the Institute of Biophysics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

保加利亚的一份调查显示,真主党的一个军事派别应当对此负责。The Bulgarian investigation has indicated that Hizballah's military wing was responsible.

那天晚上我们去了一个派对,回来的时候发现那个保加利亚男人正在我的床上打着大鼾。That night we went to a party and came back to find my bed occupied by a snoring Bulgarian.

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利用民间舞蹈界在保加利亚手帕到他们音乐的节奏由纺纱。Use handkerchiefs in Bulgarian folk dance by spinning them in circles to the beat of the music.

上月,雅典2名无法辨认身份的男子向4名保加利亚工人脸上泼酸。Last month, two unidentified men in Athens threw acid on the face of a Bulgarian migrant worker.

我准备去看一看,自从“红色里维埃拉”的年代过去之后,保加利亚的海滨日子过得怎么样。I set out to see how the rest of the Bulgarian coast has fared since the days of the Red Riviera.