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这种过度念珠菌的实质是什么酵母感染。This overgrowth of Candida is in essence what a yeast infection is.

胆囊纤维化患者小肠菌群过度生长的风险因素。Risk factors for small bowel bacterial overgrowth in cystic fibrosis.

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慢性胰腺炎患者的小肠菌群过度生长。Small intestine bacterial overgrowth in patients with chronic pancreatitis.

照顾兰兰的日子里,爱情在兰兰的心里疯长。In the day that takes care of Lan Lan, love is in Lan Lan's heart overgrowth.

息肉是子宫腔或子宫颈内膜过度增生的组织。Polyps are an overgrowth of the tissue that lines the uterine cavity or cervix.

因此,从长远的观点看,过多的世界人口将会危害人类。Thus in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind.

但是,人口增长过快提出了对人类社会的生存构成威胁。But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society.

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如果你有癌症或宫颈肥大,一个在子宫正常细胞过度增长,可能需要手术。If you have cancer or hyperplasia, an overgrowth of normal cells in the uterus, you may need surgery.

但人口过度增长了威胁的存在,粮食供应和住房的空间。But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of food supplies and shelter space.

次生加大石英、绿泥石、伊利石则对储层的孔渗有明显的破坏作用。Overgrowth quartz, chlorite and Illite obviously reduce the permeability and porosity of the reservoir.

椎弓根内骨的重塑和骨在螺钉上的生长可能导致这个结果。The remodeling capacity of pedicles and overgrowth of bone on screws may have an effect on this result.

这些因素在真菌感染的抗生素或转入其他因素造成过度这些真菌。These fungi turn into infectious factors when antibiotics or other factors cause an overgrowth of these fungi.

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小米不仅是最健康的全谷类食物之一,实际上还有助于阻碍口腔中的细菌过度繁殖。It’s not only one of the healthiest whole grains, it actually helps to reduce bacterial overgrowth in the mouth.

结论纯化海藻酸钠能降低微囊的纤维化程度,改善囊内肝细胞功能。Conclusion The purified alginate may significantly reduce the overgrowth of MHs and improve the function of hepatocytes.

角蛋白的过度生长,会造成面板永久性起鸡皮疙瘩的感觉,有三分之一的人都有这种情况,通常在手臂上。Permanent goosebumps, caused by an overgrowth of keratin, are common — one in three of us have them, usually on the arms.

本文报道了在湖泊现场用围隔生态系统对藻类进行化学控制的研究。Using enclosure ecosystem bags, the control of algal overgrowth with chemical methods is studied in eutrophic Chaohu Lake.

需氧革兰氏阴性杆菌大量繁殖可能是引起肝硬化肠源性内毒素血症的一个重要因素。The overgrowth of aerobic gram-negative bacteria may play an important role in the development of endotoxemia in cirrhosis.

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截骨同时行股骨大转子骺阻滞是防止股骨大转子过度增长的方法之一。Greater trochanteric apophyseodesis in osteotomy procedure is one of the methods to prevent greater trochanteric overgrowth.

由繁茂构筑,联系到一辆被摒弃的汽车一个破碎的镜子反映出了亚利桑那沿著那66号历史路线的乡村风情。Framed by overgrowth a fractured mirror clinging to an abandoned car reflects the arizona countryside along historic route66.

结论猕猴IIR后,小肠细菌过度生长可能由小肠动力降低直接或间接导致。Conclusions Intestinal bacterial overgrowth after IIR may be the direct or indirect results of intestinal motility dysfunction.