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也是超声波心动图检查的一个部分。Doppler ultrasound is part of the echocardiogram test.

心电图及超声心动图是正确诊断的重要方法。The diagnosis was mainly based on electrocardiogram and echocardiogram.

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心电图和超声心动图检查显示心脏功能无损害。An electrocardiogram and echocardiogram showed no compromise of cardiac functions.

超声波心动图是目前用于确诊PDA最常用的检查方法。The echocardiogram is the test most commonly used to confirm the presence of a PDA.

有几种不同类型的心回波图检查,其中就包括负荷心回波图。There are several different types of echocardiograms, including a stress echocardiogram.

目的评价超声心动图在胸主动脉瘤诊断中的临床价值。Objective To evaluate clinic value of echocardiogram diagnosis on aneurysm of thoracic aorta.

心电图及超声心动图是正确诊断的重要方法。Diagnosis of ALCAPA syndrome can be made by echocardiogram , but this is not fully satisfactory.

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超声心动图也未发现血栓形成的证据,如瓣膜疾病或血液倒流。A transthoracic echocardiogram showed no evidence of thrombus, valvular disease or right to left shunts.

结论超声心动图是评价肺动脉内隧道手术疗效的重要依据。Conclusion Echocardiogram is an important basis on estimating the curative effect of inner-tunnel surgery.

目的探讨老年人退行性心脏瓣膜病的超声心动图特点。Objective To evaluate the characteristics of echocardiogram in senile degenerative heart valvular disease.

如果心跳极不正常,那么许多医生会要求做昂贵但彻底的心脏超声波检查。If the heartbeat sounds remotely atypical, many doctors prescribe a conclusive, and expensive, echocardiogram test.

目的探讨先天性肺静脉狭窄的彩色多普勒超声心动图诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the diagnosis value for congenital pulmonary vein stenosis by the colour Doppler echocardiogram.

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她将需要有一个反复超声心动图,在第一次,第二次和第三次晚期监测的大小,她主动脉。She will need to have an echocardiogram repeated in the first, second and third trimesters to monitor the size of her aorta.

术后两个月,超声心动图显示再生的心脏在功能上与未受损的心脏势均力敌、难分伯仲。Two months after the surgery, an echocardiogram showed that the regenerated hearts were functioning as well as the undamaged ones.

心回波图会检测出心脏的大小和形状,并能够显示心室和瓣膜的工作情况。Echocardiogram provides information about the size and shape of your heart and how well your heart chambers and valves are functioning.

因此超声心动图测量右房-右室平面位移可用于评价右室舒张功能。Therefore, measurement of AV plane displacement with echocardiogram may be useful in evaluation of right ventricular diastolic function.

由于采用了微型计算机技术,使心动图仪可提供实时动态移动和静态冻结的M型图象。The employment of microcomputer in the echocardiogram results in a real-time M-mode image on screen with dynamic moving or static freezing.

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超声心动图检查也可以引起错误的判断。剧烈运动可以引起短暂的左心室功能异常。An echocardiogram also might be misleading. Vigorous exercise can bring on transient abnormalities in the functioning of the left ventricle.

结论对老年性高血压病的左室舒张功能临床研究具有参考价值。Conclusion Echocardiogram indexes may have reference value to clinical study of left ventricular diastolic function of agedness hypertension.

本组12例患者术后的症状、体征以及超声心动图表现均较术前有显著改善,无严重并发症出现。In this group, the symptom, physical sign and the appearance of echocardiogram of the 12 patients were significantly improved after the procedure.