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他永远都在利人民的心中。He is in the hearts of the Libyan people.

利比亚官立部队夺回被叛军占领的城市。Libyan gov't troops retake rebel-held town.

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对利比亚人民来说,这是你们的机会。So, to the Libyan people, this is your chance.

我们也将为利比亚反对派提供支援。We're offering support to the Libyan opposition.

火堆旁的一些人也在利比亚军营受过训。A few at the fire had trained in the Libyan camps.

四艘利比亚军船已吞没,一艘则已搁浅。Four Libyan vessels have been sunk, and one beached.

利比亚的反对派也请求我们采取这些行动。It’s also what the Libyan opposition asked us to do.

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据报导,还有一些利比亚官员来投奔了西方。Other Libyan officials are reported to have defected.

利比亚的历史书将充满鲜血和杀戮。The book of Libyan history is full of blood and killing.

第二天晚上,一个利比亚国家电视台的摄制组来给我们录像。The next evening, a Libyan state-TV crew came to film us.

我受过良好教育不像利比亚电视台描绘的那样。I am well-educated unlike the way the Libyan TV portrayed me.

为利比亚的领袖穆额玛.艾尔得救祷告。Pray also for the salvation of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi.

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所以,从辛加尔记录中我们能知道利比亚圣战者的什么信息呢?So what do we know about Libyan jihadists from the Sinjar records?

利比亚是由人民当家作主的国家。It is the Libyan people who is responsible for administering power.

那个时候的人们已经分不清谁是利比亚人谁是外来者。People at that time didn't know who's Libyan and who's a foreigner.

现在,这些财富必须归还原主—利比亚人民。Now that wealth must serve its rightful owners -- the Libyan people.

然而关于利比亚的能源地缘政治的争议继续笼罩利比亚。Yet energy geo-politics continue to overshadow the Libyan situation.

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正如一位利比亚人所说,“我们只希望能像正常人一样生活。”As one Libyan said, “We just want to be able to live like human beings.

但是基洛对利比亚领空已经得到控制很有信心。Guillaud was confident, however, that Libyan airspace was under control

他咒骂北约和“老鼠”,利比亚政府也用这个词指称反抗军。He damned NATO and “the rats,” the Libyan regime's word for the rebels.