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改变了民兵和苦工的单位模型。Changed unit models for Militia and Peons.

民兵被坦克和装甲运兵车的火力驱散。The militia was dispersed by tank and APC fire.

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全国现有基干民兵800万。China now has 8 million primary militia members.

人民解放军走在前面,其次是民兵。First came the PLA men, then the people's militia.

当他们作战时他们是用民兵方阵战斗。When they do fight, they fight as a militia phalanx.

钩镰民兵手持锋利钩镰,盔甲简陋。Militia unit armed with a billhook and little armour.

他们组织了一批民兵,叫他们。They had organized a group of militia called the Minutemen.

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在亲政府的民兵组织基地周围,一辆汽车被点燃。A car is set alight next to the pro-government militia base.

即使陆军作战不力,也可以乘船撤回来。Even if the militia battles dint no, also can by ship withdraw.

民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers.

根据需要,也可吸收女性公民参加基干民兵。The primary militia may recruit female citizens when necessary.

康奈尔大军臣服了达特茅斯国民军。Cornell's troops turned Dartmouth's militia into a vassal force.

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守城的民兵们开始溃败了,将军。自由港就要属于我们了。The Militia is falling back, General. Freeport will soon be ours.

可以在酒馆招募难民,民兵和镇民。You may hire refugees, militia recruits and townsmans in taverns.

然而,他没有游出多远,一群民兵看到了他,并向他射击,有两个人离开岩石掩体向他射击。He did not get far. A group of militia saw him and began shooting.

持弩民兵维护费用低廉,常用于防御城邑。Crossbow militia are inexpensive units formed to protect settlements.

我民兵的高射炮连续进行射击。Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti-aircraft artillery.

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大办民兵师运动影响深远,辐射也较广。Far-reaching division militia movement a big way, radiation is also wider.

他曾派遣一支武装民兵接管了对手的纸浆公司。He once dispatched an armed militia to take over a rival paper pulp company.

街道拐角处有一幢由当地民兵团守卫的大楼。There's a building guarded by the local militia at the corner of the street.