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近来,东方学的名声很糟糕。These days Orientalism has a bad name.

语言学是东方主义的一个溺子。Linguistics is a spoiled son of the Orientalism.

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履行东方式的新设计教育。Performing new design education based on Orientalism.

第一章介绍著名后殖民学者爱德华·赛义德的东方主义理论。The first chapter introduces Edward W. Said's theory of Orientalism.

这样,在芥川的东方主义话语中,中国被他者化了。Therefore, China becomes 'the other' in Akutagawa's discourse of orientalism.

汉语研究的现状就是东方学造成的灾难。The rare study achievement of Chinese is none other than a disaster of Orientalism.

萨义德的东方主义概念对于亚非历史研究有多大用处?How useful is Said's concept of Orientalism to historical research on Asia or Africa?

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西方人的“东方学”传统并不能消除文化鸿沟。The tradition of Orientalism of the occidental people cannot surpass the cultural rifts at all.

东方主义作为权力传播的方式,它的影响,是赛义德关注的终极问题。So as a circulation of power, the effect of Orientalism is something that ultimately concerns Said.

东方论者和西方论者辩证地产生了本质化了的东西方构造。Orientalism and occidentalism are dialectically produced constructs of essentializing East and West.

赛义德在介绍东方主义时提到的很多著作,差不多也是这么长。Many of the texts which Said mentions in passing in his introduction to Orientalism are just as long.

加利马尔遐想联翩,无法自拔于东方主义的单向思维。Pina Gallimard reverie together, be able to extricate themselves in the one-way thinking Orientalism.

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这一切使得赛氏以一名颠覆型的知识分子的姿态出现,质疑在西方学界鼎盛的东方学思潮。Imbued in this atmosphere, Said poses himself as a subversive intellectual and challenges the prevalent Orientalism.

“马克思主义东方学”也在新的历史背景下,显现出它丰富而深刻的时代价值。All of this provide the Marxism's orientalism new meaning, which displays rich and profound significance in new period.

后殖民主义视野中的东方学的实质是东方主义,其核心理念是西方中心主义。From the perspective of post-colonialism, oriental studies are in nature orientalism whose central concept is west-centrism.

人性、自然、和谐,大唐合盛为品位之士营造一片优雅的心灵栖息之地。With the harmonious combination of human, nature and environment, Tang Ceramics gives you the feeling of peace and orientalism.

即使像赛伊德这样的美国左派知识分子,他也不可能真正为“东方主义”寻找到安身立命的根本。Said that even though the United States as leftist intellectuals, he can not truly a "Orientalism" to settle down to find the root.

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东方主义指西方人完全按着自己的思维模式来给东方世界定性、命名和分类。Orientalism means that the Western people define, name and classify the things in the Oriental world according to their own thinking paradigm.

在以欧洲移民为主的美国,其东方主义的形成正是根植于欧洲移民对东方扭曲的想象。It was considered as a primitive, barbarous and exotic land. American orientalism has its root in Europeans' distorted impression of the Orient.

东方主义是西方试图控制东方的一种思维模式,其中浸透着强烈的种族主义和文化帝国主义倾向。Orientalism is a way of thinking that helps the west control the east, and it is saturated with a strong sense of racism and cultural imperialism.