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我的腕关节弄伤了。I've hurt my wrist.

护士抓住她的手腕。The nurse caught her wrist.

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腕关节活动时无疼痛。Wrist motion was pain free.

受伤的手腕肿起来了。The injured wrist swelled up.

湿手和腕子。应用肥皂。Wet hand and wrist. Apply soap.

他扭伤了自己的手腕。He ended up spraining his wrist.

他把紧抓住我手腕的手松了下来。He relaxed his grip on my wrist.

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这些皮革腕子袖口是1。These Leather wrist cuffs are 1?

他手腕上中了一弹。He received a bullet in the wrist.

这种手套在手腕处有松紧带。The gloves have elastic at the wrist.

他跌得很重,摔断了手腕。He had a bad fall and broke his wrist.

适用于腕关节扭伤。Indicated for wrist strain and sprain.

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她的指甲掐进了我的手腕。She dug her fingernails into my wrist.

腕已被榴霰弹击伤了……Her wrist had been wounded by shrapnel.

这位医生在她的手腕上号脉。The doctor felt her pulse on her wrist.

用你的另一只手抓住左手腕。With your other hand, grasp your wrist.

他连他的腕表都几乎不会用。He could barely operate his wrist watch.

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医生在他的腕关节植入一根钢钉。The doctor put a steel pin in his wrist.

护士把他的腕部包上绷带。The nurse lapped his wrist in a bandage.

这些皮革腕子袖口是1。“宽。These Leather wrist cuffs are 1?" wide."