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我不能充分理解他的话。I cannot fathom his remarks.

我不能完全猜透你的意思。I can't fathom what you mean.

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你能弄清楚她的意图吗?Can you fathom out her intentions?

记录下你无法理解的映像。Recording reflections you could not fathom.

我今见闻得受持,愿解如来真实义。And I vow to fathom the Tathagata's true meaning.

不能想象这噩梦般悲剧中的恐怖。Can't fathom the horror of a nightmare such as this.

人的一生和一台照相机不足以完全了解它。One lifetime and a camera is not enough to fathom it.

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法顿迁到另一个地方,以一个新的角色出现。Fathom shifts the scene, and appears in a new character.

理应根据水稻穗的价格,无法猜测他们为什么不卖给更高的出价者。Should the price of rice spike, it's hard to fathom why they wouldn't.

用来探测像蜜蜂飞行导向这类奥秘的x光照相术。X-ray photography used to fathom such mysteries as honeybee navigation.

迪蒙不能当晚就做出决定,但他同意试着帮忙。Mr. Dimon couldn't fathom making a deal that night, but he agreed to try to help.

我们毋须测度神的作为,然后才去信靠祂,明白祂的心意便已足够。We need not fathom God's ways in order to trust him. It's enough to know his heart.

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在这种情况下,向民主直接转变很难实现。A straight-up transition to democracy under these circumstances is difficult to fathom.

现在,我们关心的全部是这些怪诞的市场,对它,我们甚至还不能完全搞清楚。Now, it’s all about penetrating these weird markets that we can’t even fully fathom yet.

除了手边正在用的这卷线之外,还有了三卷四十啊长的备用线。He had three forty fathom coils of line in reserve now, as well as the coil he was using.

这些因素如何来到意识和决策的中心舞台,我们根本想不出来。They take center stage in consciousness and decision-making in ways we can't even fathom.

像雾迷茫摸不透看不清像蚕蛹一层又一层。Like a fog of confusion don't fathom couldn't see like silkworm chrysalis layer upon layer.

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拉登的表现似乎让他戒酒血腥的胸襟所有难以企及的。Bin Laden's seeming temperance made his manifest bloody-mindedness all the harder to fathom.

我实在无法想像这二个笨蛋是怎麽样能在七局下半自爆的!I can't fathom how these two nitwits managed to implode in the bottom of the seventh inning.

好像那时候我八岁,想不明白要怎样让我的头先入水。I may have been about 8 at the time and I couldn't fathom letting my head hit the water first.