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她要赎罪。She will expiate herself.

他希望为他的过失赎罪。He hoped to expiate his guilt.

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我就盼死神来了结我的天年。Then look I death my days should expiate.

死有余辜。Even death would not expiate all his crimes.

现在我将在绞刑架上赎我一切的罪过。Now i was to expiate all my offences at the gallows.

他试图以捐款给教会来弥补自己的罪过。He tried to expiate his crimes by giving money to the church.

但当你脸上出现时光的深槽,我就盼死神来了结我的天年。But when in thee time's furrows I behold, Then look I death my days should expiate.

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“路德成为一名医生的神学和”还不知道,我们不能赎我们的罪。Luther became a doctor of theology and did not yet know that we cannot expiate our sins.

的牺牲被祝圣的永恒上帝的法令,以赎罪的罪恶的世界。The sacrifice was ordained by the eternal decree of God, to expiate the sins of the world.

我回到伦敦以后,只得在病榻上来为我那愚蠢的温顺赎罪。After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of my fatuous complaisance.

我回到伦敦以后,只得在病榻上来赎我的荒唐的随和的罪愆。After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of my fatuous complaisance.

为至圣所,为会幕和祭坛行取洁礼,为众司祭和全会众人民行赎罪礼。And he shall expiate the sanctuary and the tabernacle of the testimony and the altar, the priest also and all the people.