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再者,封装性和内聚性的应用。Again, encapsulation and cohesion applies.

一个公司的稳定以凝棸力为基础的。The table of a company is based on cohesion.

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我总会深深地被兄弟们的凝集力激动着。I was deeply touched by the brothers cohesion.

这件事会破坏团结,制造纠纷。It undermines cohesion and creates dissension.

迈克皮克上将有关团队凝聚力的讲话触动人心。General McPeak speaks movingly of unit cohesion.

这内次元能量有一个内聚力。This interdimensional energy has a cohesion to it.

类与类之间具有高内聚,低耦合的特点。Between classes it is high cohesion and low coupling.

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我得使整个公司恢复内聚力和统一。I had to bring some cohesion and unity into the company.

它是一种群体凝聚的声音,对抗共同的敌人。It's a sound of group cohesion against the common enemy.

如果我们要想打败敌人就需要更多的精神上的内聚力。We need more moral cohesion if we're to defeat the enemy.

看看这浩渺的宇宙,万物的凝合,尽善尽美!Behold the great rondure, the cohesion of all, how perfect!

提高团队士气、凝聚力激发员工的自觉性。Teambuilding to enhance the morale, cohesion and spontaneity.

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该解码器中的各个模块具有高内聚,低耦合的特点。The modules of decoder are of high cohesion and low coupling.

在右上方的图表中,没有封装性,具有高度的内聚性。In the upper right there is no encapsulation and high cohesion.

回指是语篇衔接的重要语法手段之一。Anaphora is an important grammatical device of textual cohesion.

将谁的血泪与酸辛凝聚成诗行?。Will be whose blood and tears and painstaking Cohesion into Lines!

具有高内聚力的设计将提供降低耦合的机会。Designs with high cohesion offer the opportunity for lower coupling.

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这些严重的不平等侵蚀了该地区的社会凝聚力。These high levels of inequality erode social cohesion in the region.

过多的内聚性将使系统遭受复杂性的全部影响。Too much cohesion and the system suffers all the ills of complexity.

但考虑到出口和油价的双双回落,这一比例可能发生变化。But that cohesion could begin to fray as exports and prices both fall.