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我是漆工。I am a painter.

詹姆斯•潘特报道。James Painter reports.

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我想当一名画家。I am not a painter , I.

她找来一位油漆工。She called a painter in.

她为一名画家当模特。She models for a painter.

他是一个抽象派画家。He is an abstract painter.

最后,来了一个油漆匠。Eventually, a painter comes.

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他没有雇用那个油漆匠。He hadn't hired the painter.

我们公司需要一个漆工。Our company needs a painter.

毕卡索是有名的画家。Picasso was a famous painter.

拉斐尔是名画家。Raphael was a famous painter.

她是一个画艺出色的画家!She is a very capable painter.

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他是水彩画家。He is a painter in watercolors.

这男孩渴望成为一名画家。The boy yearns to be a painter.

画家使模特儿摆姿势。The painter postured his model.

广场上的喷泉。Piazza Venezia, Full of painter.

这是西班牙画家委拉斯凯兹的名作Here's the famous Spanish painter.

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那么木匠和油漆工呢?What about a carpenter or painter?

这都不能不说是一个做画人的悲哀。All this is a sorrow for a painter.

你最喜欢的风俗画家是谁?Who is your favorite genre painter?