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我看杰德是醉死过去了。I think that Jed is permanently dipsy.

获得永久DMOZ的两个网站列出。Get both sites permanently listed in DMOZ.

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他打算在这儿长久住下去。He is thinking of living here permanently.

皮肤病在他的脸上留下了麻点。The skin disease scarred his face permanently.

永久储存新的比额表,供今后使用。Permanently store the new scale for future use.

然而,漏油井并没有被永久性封堵。Still, the well has not been permanently sealed.

那是因为我的手始终皱巴巴的!That's 'cause my hands is permanently puckered !

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通过SLIC通道模拟永久激活。Permanently Actived with SLIC channel Simulation.

他可能导致一个永久乖戾的个性。it might lead to a permanently warped personality.

更改库存以永久显示插槽数量。Changed Inventory to show slot quantity permanently.

瑞士似乎是一个永久中立国。Switzerland seems to be a permanently neutral state.

真爱是永恒地自我扩展的经验。Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience.

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涉贩卖个人资料被永久封停!To sell personal information be permanently disabled!

谢谢打开。本页面已经永久删除。Thanks for visiting. This page is permanently deleted.

目前的一个分支,是在大班永久固定。The current one at Taipan branch is fixed permanently.

这些火灾很可能会彻底毁掉这片土地上的森林。The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land.

在这种持续严寒的条件下,冰帽从北极逐渐向南扩展。In this permanently cold environment, the ice cap from t.

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以色列称其并没有长期占领加沙地区的意图。Israel says it has no plans to permanently reoccupy Gaza.

本网盘用户可以永久保存文件,无时间限止!The users can store files permanently without time limit.

但那不意味着美国的道德标准永久地改变。That does not mean the US moral compass permanently swerved.