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法典编纂是法律文化和法学的最高贡献。Codification is the highest contribution of jurisprudence.

物在民法学上是一个被广泛使用的概念。The word "property" is widely used in civil jurisprudence.

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而是将毕生精力献给了法学和道德哲学。Instead, he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral philosophy.

本文第二章进行交叉持股规制的法理分析。Chapter 2 analyses the jurisprudence of Cross-shareholding regulation.

功利主义法学无疑是具有代表性的法学理论。Benthamism jurisprudence and Positivism jurisprudence is representative.

霍布斯是现代实证主义法学和分析法学的先驱。Hobbes is a precursor of modern positivism and analytical jurisprudence.

美国社会法学派最具代表性人物是罗斯科。庞德。Perhaps the leading exponent of sociological jurisprudence was Roscoe Pound.

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本文以“彭水诗案”为样本,阐述了上述法理。Studying the case of Penshui poem, this paper explains the above jurisprudence.

此标准被我国法学界界定为客观真实标准。This standard is defined as the standard for objective truth by our jurisprudence.

本书被称为法理学的考研“红宝书”。This book is called of jurisprudence one's deceased father grind " red treasured book ".

北京大学法科是现代中国法学的发源地。Law Department of Peking University is an original place of Chinese modern jurisprudence.

这是理学将医易之间的距离拉近的结果。This is the medical jurisprudence will be easy to pull into the distance between the lead.

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一些学者认为将法理学视作一个连续统一体是更为合适的。Some scholars think that it is more appropriate to think about jurisprudence as a continuum.

本文从法理学的角度对这一问题进行了一定程度的探讨。This article from the perspective of jurisprudence on the issue to a certain extent explored.

伊斯兰教是官方宗教,而伊斯兰教的法学是卡塔尔法律体系的基础。Islam is the official religion, and Islamic jurisprudence is the basis of Qatar"s legal system

第三部分论证了非刑罚化引入的法理意义。The third part reseached jurisprudence significance of which the depenalization was introduced.

法理学之为法理学的根本在于它是一种使人过有善德的生活的知识。The fundamentality of jurisprudence is that it is the knowledge that makes people lead good life.

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学习法律培养我的严谨的精神,加强了我的逻辑思维能力。The study of jurisprudence cultivates my preciseness and enhances my ability of logical thinking.

三曾任大学法学讲师以上职务三年以上者二人。Two members who ever undertook an instructor or above of jurisprudence over 3 years at university.

探析学科整合方法是对经济法学教学方法的突破和创新。A probe into blended subjects approach is an innovation in teaching method of economic jurisprudence.