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智利和以色列的抗议也是美国的运动提前了。The Chilean and Israeli protests also predate the US campaign.

图表中显现的长期总体趋势远早于金融危机。The chart shows that the overall trends long predate the financial crisis.

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一些经互联网或BITNET游玩的非商业性的电子邮递式游戏预示了这些情况。Several non-commercial email games played on the Internet and BITNET predate these.

从预先准备后,到约会后后续,记住下面六步如何做正确的约会指南。From the predate to the follow-up, keep in mind this six-step dating guide on how to do it right.

此外,科学家已经在克里特岛上发现早于尼安得特人的史前工具。Plus, scientists have found pre-historic tools on the island of Crete that predate even Neanderthals.

值得注意的是,先前关于这些措施所调查到的价格数据来看,有些措施对房地产市场具有降温作用。It is worth noting that the survey of prices predate some of the measures designed to cool the market.

它说明了虱子的历史非常久,在白垩纪-早第三纪过渡期之前,而且也肯定是寄生在某种生物上的。It says lice are old, predate the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, and must have been living on something.

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事实上采诗官担当了国家民意调查员、新闻记者和国家诗歌记录者的重任。Actually, poem collectors predate the spies, detectives, journalists, songwriters and wikileakers of today.

因此,这幅脸谱被提前安插到图像流里,让那些技术上说应该早于它的画盖住它艳丽的颜色。And so the mask is inserted into the flow earlier, and compositions that technically predate it obscure it.

许多这类组织早在阿富汗或巴基斯坦塔利班之前便彼此独立,并仍保持这一倾向。Many of these groups predate the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban and tend to remain independent of either group.

但是可以肯定的是它绝非来源于法语,因为在古英语尚在是有时,诺曼征服的时代还未到来呢。It definitely didn’t come to English through French since the Old English citations predate the Norman Conquest.

罗马尼亚丰富的文化传统是由多种文化孕育的,其中一部分是在被罗马占领之前。Romania"s rich cultural traditions have been nourished by many sources, some of which predate the Roman occupation.

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最早关于他们的记载发现于早期的查尔军队祭奠里,其时早于人类来到这个地区。The earliest mention of them is found in early charr military tributes that predate the arrival of humans in the area.

在中国受欢迎的游戏往往有几个典型的人物角色,如捣蛋鬼、侏儒或是经历上世纪政治动乱的人物。Popular games in China typically feature elves, dwarves or characters that predate the past century of political turmoil.

果真如此的话,那它们就可能比公认的美索不达米亚最早的楔形文字早大约200年。If they are, in fact, writing, they predate the commonly accepted origin of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia by 200 years.

在中国流行的游戏中往往包含了侏儒、魔法师或者上世纪政治混乱中的角色形象。Popular games in China typically feature elves , dwarves or characters that predate the past century of political turmoil.

跟邦联的大部分其它军用机器人种类不同,LM-432螃蟹机器人在克隆人战争前并不存在。Unlike most of the other droid military units found in the Confederacy, the LM-432 crab droids do not predate the Clone Wars.

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我开车驶往母亲住所,竟感到约会前的紧张不安。我们将谈些什么呢?如果她不喜欢我选的餐馆怎么办?。As I drove to her house, I actually had a case of predate jitters! What would we talk about? What if she didn't like the restaurant I chose?

尽管多数美国人将万圣节视为传统节日,但它的起源却远远早于美国的历史,而且意义也随着时间发生了很大变化。Most Americans consider Halloween a festive occasion, but its roots long predate the United States and its meaning has changed greatly over time.

楔形文字是已知的最早的书面语言。而一般认为,口头语的产生要比书面语早至少几万年。Cuneiform was the first known form of written language, but spoken language is believed to predate writing by tens of thousands of years at least.