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“我有点累了。”他目光呆滞地说。I'm feeling rather tired, ' he said, his eyes glazing.

屋顶是简单的球场,有很多玻璃天窗。Roofs are simple pitches, many with clerestory glazing.

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下面就上光过程中出现的一些问题进行简要分析。Here's glazing process with a brief analysis of some issues.

玻璃窗里的高调,触手碰不到的温度。Glazing of high-profile, tentacle didn't touch the temperature.

通过靛蓝上釉,最后水晶釉面处理画面。Indigo glazing through the last crystal glazed processing screen.

对于保温隔热来讲,最适宜的玻璃间距是15-20毫米。The optimum glazing spacing for thermal insulation is about15-20 mm.

您好,我们供应表面上光机。用于在彩印好的软管表面均匀涂层亮油。Glazing machine is for coating the color-printed tubes a brilliant layer.

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电窑烧成浓汤是上釉前先发射。An electric pottery kiln bisque firing is the first firing before glazing.

选择最好的玻璃或光抛光垫被使用与您的缓冲区。Select the best glazing or light polishing pad to be used with your buffer.

大面积的玻璃嵌装,以提供对内部各项作业最大程度的观察。Large area of glazing providing maximum viewing of all the internal operations.

使用防护手套往往建议而施釉容易清理。The use of protective gloves is often recommended while glazing for easy clean up.

沿着后面的墙增加了更多的玻璃,这样房间可以朝花园开放。More glazing was added along the rear wall so that room can open out to the garden.

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玻璃分区被铝条分割成框架,同时还运用了双层玻璃的热控制系统。Glass partitions are framed in aluminum and have double glazing for thermal control.

可操作窗户设有双层低辐射玻璃,能提供对流通风。Operable windows with double glazing and low E coatings to provide cross ventilation.

此次的毕业设计工作所要实现的是将施釉过程实现自动化。The graduation of the design work to be achieved by the glazing process is automated.

在上海,没有顶楼隔热或双层玻璃的建筑不断涌现。Buildings in Shanghai continue to spring up without loft insulation or double glazing.

生活空间内的全宽玻璃创造了两个建筑分离的错觉。Full width glazing of the living space creates the illusion of two detached buildings.

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可达成双膜、上光和全息图像寒压箔防伪等工艺。This can be done for laminating, glazing and hologram foil anti-false as cold-pressed.

研究开发了研磨页轮用单组分环氧树脂浇铸胶粘剂。A pouring adhesive made of epoxy resin for glazing vane wheel was prepared in the paper.

光滑的玻璃形成了住宅的三个立面,同时一块不透明板形成了第四个立面。Sliding glazing forms three of the house's facades, while an opaque slab forms the fourth.