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韦斯利·斯内德——荷兰Wesley Sneijder – The Netherlands

魏斯理整天打喷嚏和咳嗽。Wesley sneezes and coughs all day.

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韦斯利为此兴奋异常。Mr Wesley is hugely excited by them.

然而,卫斯理却不想让他走。However, Wesley doesn't want to lose him.

韦斯利和劳拉是电脑程序师。Wesley and Laura are computer programmers.

约翰·维斯里·哈丁是穷人的朋友。John Wesley Harding was a friend to the poor.

“我会抓住所能得到的每个机会”,韦斯利说。"I'll be watching every chance I get," Wesley said.

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她征询卫斯里究竟推荐何人来担当此重任。She asked Wesley to recommend someone for the position.

约翰.卫斯理是一位了不起的神的仆人。John Wesley was an incredible servant of God. His motto was

科学也无法解释的迷,卫斯理又如何寻根究底?When science cannot explain these mysteries, how can WESLEY?

卫斯里是一款运动鞋广告公司的经理。Wesley is an advertising manager at an athletic shoe company.

他是卫斯里公司和整个广告业务部里的一份宝贵的财产。He is an asset to Wesley and the entire advertising department.

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拉齐奥正在追逐阿贾克斯双星斯奈德和皮纳尔。Lazio are tracking Ajax pair Wesley Sneijder and Stephen Pienaar.

韦斯利不记得他是在哪里第一次听到全国范围的抗议声了。Wesley doesn't rememberwhere he heard of the first national protest.

你曾经有过暗无天日的工作像电影里的卫斯理吗?。Did you ever have a dull, dead-end job like Wesley does in the movie?

我的名字是杰瑞烦“嗷怕胧欠赏迳蓟牧虾娇03班机。My name is Wesley Cheng, and the flight number is UA 003 for Toronto.

韦斯利.斯奈普斯的律师表示他很坚强很乐观。And a lawyer for Wesley Snipes says he is staying strong and positive.

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苏思理以平均成绩4.73高分毕业于糜鹿林的富兰克林高中。Wesley Su graduated from Franklin High School with a final GPA of 4.73.

阿瑟楼角伯恩斯和韦斯利米切尔提供了经典的定义。Arthur F. Burns and Wesley C. Mitchell provided the classical definition.

韦斯利·斯奈德在转会国际米兰后重新回到巅峰状态。Wesley Sneijder has regained top form since the switch to Internazionale.