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诺拉做到了。Nora did it.

我是诺拉·劳姆,这里是NPR新闻。I'm Nora Raum, NPR News.

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博士诺拉Volkow带领了这次研究。Dr. Nora Volkow led the study.

劳拉瞵视着他。‘我没有。Nora glared at him. 'No, I did not. '

我是诺拉·劳姆,这里是华盛顿NPR新闻。I'm Nora Raum, NPR News in Washington.

我是诺拉·劳姆。这里是华盛顿NPR新闻。I am Nora Raum. NPR news in Washington.

至于这个,当然是诺拉·琼斯唱的And this, of course, is sung by Nora Jones.

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NPR新闻华盛顿消息,我是诺拉·劳姆。From NPR News in Washington, I'm Nora Raum.

杰克又要去换衣服,所以罗娜只能等着。Jack needed drying off, So Nora had to wait.

诺拉是这个国家卓越的体操运动员。Nora was an excellent gymnast in this country.

诺拉在当地小餐馆干着一份为客人端送汉堡包的辛苦活儿。Nora toils away serving burgers at the local cafe.

他把门带上,劳拉变得煞白。Nora was white when he closed the door behind him.

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渐渐地,诺拉超过了其他的学生。Little by little, Nora exceeded the other students.

你就是诺拉·加西亚?劳伦斯警探,拉森警探。Nora Garcia? Detective Lawrence and Detective Larsen.

为什么我们在拉维·香卡后说诺拉·琼斯Or why do we play Nora Jones right after Ravi Shankar?

但是她也意识到娜拉已面临危机,迟早必须和托伐说个明白。Nora and Torvald would have to come to an understanDing.

其他体操运动员因为诺拉的成功而排斥她。The other gymnasts excluded Nora because of her success.

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热病,那是一个借口,劳拉的脸变得煞白。That was a veiled reference to the fever, and Nora paled.

这是歌曲“威利”的诺拉简斯特拉瑟斯自己的专辑。Here is the song "Willie" from Nora Jane Struthers' own album.

在汽水厂工作的一个男子夺去了诺拉的童贞。Nora was deflowered by a man who worked in a soda-water factory.