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就在抱成团的那一刻。On is hugging Cheng Tuan that moment.

义和团、红卫兵早已成为历史。Yi He Tuan and the Red Guards have long become past history.

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集体买货,在中国称团购,在中国大地广为流行。Group buying, or tuan gou in Chinese, is wildly popular across the country.

第二年,俊被晒黑了,但是却对自己的生产非常满意。The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very much.

团团圆圆的名字合起来就是中国的“团圆”。When put together, the names Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan mean "reunion" in Chinese.

一天,俊在浏览报纸的时候,读到一篇关于袁隆平的评论。One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longpin.

传说女娲在此炼石补天、抟土造人,给世人留下了美好的形象。Nu Wa legend in the rock Lian Sky, Tuan home- made, to leave the world a good image.

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撇开文字,俊仅仅用寥寥几笔来表达他的思想、心灵和爱情。Instead of writing, Tuan expressed his thoughts, mind and love just by a few strokes.

有些日子没有听到温州炒房团的消息了,大概都套牢了。Some days have not heard Wenzhou to fry Fang Tuan the news, probably wrapped are firm.

在抵达桃园机场后,相关工作人员登机对“团团”“圆圆”进行了约半小时的临场检疫。Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, finished quarantine examinations in half an hour at the airport.

黎俊穿行了一千多英里,速写和诗集对他来说非常重要。Le Tuan had walked a thousand miles. The sketches and the book of verse were very important for him.

妈妈带团在公园里玩,他爬上矮桃树,在树上舒展身体,或者在山坡的草地上滚来滚去。Tuan stretched himself out on branches of the peach tree on the hill or rolled down on the meadow slope.

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蒋元气愤不已并找上黎俊对质,才知道黎俊是为了钱而出卖自己。Jiang yuan became enraged and find le tuan confrontation, is just know le tuan betray yourself for money.

山东临沂方言语音上最明显的一个特点是区分尖音和团音。The distinction between Jian Yin and Tuan Yin is the most obvious pronunciation feature of Shandong Linyi dialect.

北京为这对熊猫所取得名字——团团和圆圆,合起来的意思是“团聚”,此举令上述担忧有增无减。Beijing's names for the pandas – Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, which together mean "reunion" – do little to allay such concerns.

摘要作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。As a transitional taoist scholar in late tang and early song period , chen tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought.

漫姿及晓阳得知黎俊背叛蒋元后,提议蒋元应诉诸法律,追究到底。Diffuse appearance and real learned betrayal le tuan yuan jiang, jiang yuan proposed should resort to law, shall be investigated for the end.

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清廷有一天曾下令逮捕义和团首领,可是第二天又任命维护义和团的端王为总理衙门的大臣办理洋务。The Court issued orders one day for the arrest of the Boxer leaders, and the next day appointed the pro-Boxer Prince Tuan as minister for foreign affairs.

仪式结束后,蒋元得知黎俊将专利权卖给大财团,但该研发却没有作出生产造福社会。After the ceremony, jiang yuan told le tuan to sell the patent to big business, but not the research and development to production for the benefit of society.

高级尉官陈清恒是接收捐献给博物馆的战争纪念物品的负责人,根据她的说法,没有人知道黎俊是什么人。Senior Lieutenant Colonel Tran Thanh Hang, who is responsible for receiving war memorabilia donated to the museum, said as yet, no one knows who Le D. Tuan was.