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请回答背面的问卷。Answer the questionnaire overleaf.

请回答下面的判断题。Please answer the following questionnaire.

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问卷的回答的46新生的学习。The questionnaire was answered by 46 freshers.

收回有效问卷1013份。Withdraw 1013 copies of effective questionnaire.

与同组成员完成调查表。Finish your questionnaire with your group members.

之后,通过问卷预测试,得到了正式调研问卷。By the pre-survey, we get the formal questionnaire.

本研究采用的是问卷法和测验法。The questionnaire and exam are employed in the study.

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校长们将被要求完成一份问卷调查。Headteachers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire.

所附问卷请填妥交回。Please complete and return the enclosed questionnaire.

一个调查表能相当廉宜管理。A Questionnaire can be quite inexpensive to administer.

全卷完。谢谢您的合作!End of Questionnaire. Thank you for your participation!

使用问卷调查评估运动自我功效。Exercise self-efficacy was assessed by a questionnaire.

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问卷所得资料以SPSS、LISREL统计套装软体分析处理。The questionnaire data were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL.

离职后面谈应该是怎麽样的?What does a post-exit interview questionnaire look like?

量表总的内部一致性系数为0.704,问卷的重测信度为0.839。The questionnaire had good re-retest reliability of 0.839.

然后,向用户呈现该调查表。The user is then presented with this second questionnaire.

每位申请人均将得到这样一份问卷。One such questionnaire shall be presented to each applicant.

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问卷包括30个题项及三个问题。The questionnaire includes 30 items and three open questions.

他们每人在1995年和1996年完成了124项食品问卷。Each completed a 124-item food questionnaire in 1995 and 1996.

我已经发布的问卷供您复制和填答。I have posted that questionnaire for you to copy and complete.