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请让我坦率直言。Let me be frank.

“是啊,”弗兰克说。Yeah," Frank said.

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法兰克·盖瑞是。Frank Gehry did and

对了,就是伟大的福兰克!Big Frank that's who!

福兰克同意我的观点。Frank agreed with me.

他天性爽直。He is frank by nature.

弗兰克眯起眼睛。Frank narrowed his eyes.

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但是,我的讲话十分坦率。But let me be very frank.

哦,显然是巴尼,弗兰克。Oh , Barney Frank easily.

法兰克.沃尔摩德是个作家。Frank Wormold is a writer.

她比富兰克更热情。She was warmer than Frank.

但弗兰克斯迈思是孤独的。But Frank Smythe was alone.

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弗兰克请我们吃饭。Frank treated us to dinner.

他的名字是法兰克辛纳屈。His name was Frank Sinatra.

而弗兰克.怀特是他的人。And Frank White was his guy.

富兰克看不见。他是盲人。Frank can't see. He is blind.

弗兰克说我是“包打听”。Frank said I have a big nose.

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我是个个性活泼开朗,大大咧咧的女孩。I am a active and frank girl.

玛丽和弗兰克都才四岁。Mary and Frank are both four.

是宾虚和安妮法兰克的时代。It was Ben Hur and Anne Frank.