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1索玛等于0.0007欧元。UZS is equal to 0.0007 Euro.


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那么,欧元将会发生什么事情?So what will happen to the euro?

欧元区和欧元都失败了。The Eurozone and euro are kaput.

货币-塞尔维亚第纳尔和欧元Currency C Serbian Dinar and euro

欧洲迪斯尼的股票价格迅速上涨了17便士。Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p.

但是欧债危机已经时不我待。Yet the euro crisis will not wait.

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欧元仍可能停留在疲弱状态。The euro will probably remain weak.

然后,西班牙在2008年欧洲杯上捧杯。Then came the triumph at EURO 2008.

一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag.

欧洲是否还有其他违约者?Could a defaulter remain in the euro?

欧元曾在2000年时触及0.82美元的低点。The euro hit a low of 82 cents in 2000.

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欧元兑日圆为132.06,周四为130.77。The euro was at 132.06 yen from 130.77.

如果意大利挂了,那么欧元也会玩完的。If Italy does perish, the euro dies too.

简单的版本大概需要3000欧元。Simple versions cost around Euro 3, 000.

欧元对消费者意味着什么?What will the euro beggarly for customers?

世界股票,欧元遭受重创后开始反弹World Stocks, Euro Rebound After Battering

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欧元兑日元报108.34日元,上周五尾盘报107.29日元。The euro bought 108.34 yen from 107.29 yen.

您要20欧元还是30欧元的电话卡?Eine Telefonkarte zu 20 Euro oder zu 30 Euro?

如果欧元垮了,英国还有英镑。If the euro collapses, Britain has the pound.