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海潜员是打捞专家!He is a salvage expert.

那么民主党将如何力挽狂澜呢?So how could Democrats salvage things?

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打捞沉船和货物的工作正在进行之中。The salvage of the ship and cargo was under way.

2003年至今救捞体制改革已经6年。Salvage has been reformed for 6 years since 2003.

海难救助是海商法所特有的法律制度。Salvage is a special legal system in maritime law.

尚塔尔能保住她的事业算是走了运。Chantal was lucky to be able to salvage her career.

海难救助是海商法的一项独特法律制度。Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law.

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美洲蛇怪GLA废物利用将军的金属怪物。The Basilisk, the GLA Salvage General's Metal Monster.

我们将靠上她的船,让海难救援人员上去。We'll pull alongside her and put a salvage crew aboard.

轮船沉没以后,想打捞出其氩气是不可能的。After the ship sank, salvage of its argon was impossible.

术后行补救性治疗可明显提高生存率。Salvage treatment can improve the survival of the patients.

我们要靠拢那艘船,把打捞人员送上船去。We'll pull alongside the ship and put a salvage crew aboard.

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在这两个上面的例子,有一个估计残值。In both the examples above, there is an estimated salvage value.

它没有残值,可望持续另一个五年。It has no salvage value but is expected to last another five years.

但在刚结束的集会中,朴女士可以挽回一点尊严。But Ms Park could salvage a little dignity by ending the circus now.

环保人士希望繁殖计划能抢救出部分基因。Conservationists hope a breeding program will salvage part of the genome.

为海难救助坚持在艏楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men On forecastle and crew—nest for salvage Of sea casualty.

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为海难救助坚持在案首楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men on forecastle and crew-nest for salvage of sea casualty.

而老虎·伍兹也不甘示弱,在15洞用一个老鹰球挽回了损失。Not to be outdone, Tiger Woods eagled the 15th pole to salvage his round.

如果找不到,他说,这些失物会被卖到一家回收公司。And, if that cannot be done, he says, items are sold to a salvage company.