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图西族有上午,下午,和晚上不同的问候。The Tutsi have different greetings for morning, afternoon, and evening.

从独立以来的大部分时间里,布隆迪一直处于西图的少数民族的个人手中。For most of the time since independence, Burundi has been ruled by individuals from the Tutsi minority.

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三个月后挑起内战的图西族造反派击败胡图政府,屠杀这才结束。The killings ended three months later after Tutsi rebels fighting a civil war defeated the Hutu government.

这次事件是在图西叛乱分子在内战中击败胡图政府的三个月后发生的。The killings ended three months later after Tutsi rebels fighting a civil war defeated the Hutu government.

Kabuga的电台宣扬极端的胡图族教义并煽动针对图西族人的暴力行为。Kabuga's radio station propagated extremist Hutu ideology and incited violence against the Tutsi population of Rwanda.

旁人还会假定,既然灭绝人性的胡图族政权是一帮劣迹斑斑的马仔拉起的队伍,那么颠覆他们的图西族造反派就一定是一群惩恶扬善的好人。Others assumed that if the genocidal Hutu regime were the bad guys, then the Tutsi rebels who overthrew them must be the good guys.

在他们前往访问的同时,刚果政府军和军阀恩孔达领导的图西族反叛军在刚果东部地区重燃战火。Their visit comes amid renewed fighting in eastern Congo between the Congolese army and ethnic Tutsi rebels, led by Laurent Nkunda.

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卢旺达总统卡加梅赶走了指挥大屠杀的胡图族领导人,并建立了一个自那时起到现在一直稳定的图西族政权。Rwanda's President Paul Kagame drove out the Hutu leaders of the massacre and helped set up a Tutsi regime that has been in power ever since.

不管怎样解释都不会妨碍在历史上图西族和其它优秀族群凭借自己的外来背景将他们与大多数胡图族人更好地区别开来。That didn't stop the Tutsi and other elites from embracing the story of their exotic origins to better differentiate themselves from the majority Hutu.

一名前卢旺达部长,因被描述为在1994年种族屠杀期间,在一场集体屠杀数千名图西族难民中发挥关键作用,在坦桑尼亚的国际特别法庭受审。A former Rwandan minister is being tried by an international tribunal in Tanzania for his key role as described in massacring thousands of Tutsi refugees in 1994.

当天主教传教士于1880年代到达卢旺达时,他们开始向当地人讲解种族的起源,并宣称土瓷是比胡图更高级的人种。When the Roman Catholic missionaries came to Rwanda in the late 1880s, they contributed to the "Hamitic" theory of race origins, which taught that the Tutsi were a superior race.

恩孔达说,他在保护这一地区的图西族人不受在这里活动的卢旺达胡图族民兵的伤害,并要求同刚果政府举行直接谈判。Nkunda says he is protecting the region's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area, and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government.

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到殖民者在上世纪60年代初承认这些国家独立时,图西族和胡图族之间的族群敌视已经导致了一波又一波的杀戮与报复性杀戮。By the time the colonizers granted the countries independence in the early 1960s, ethnic hostilities between Tutsi and Hutu had already led to waves of killings and retaliatory murders.

1994年,就在“争取胡图族权力”的卢旺达人试图通过大规模屠杀妇女儿童根除图西族时,沙沙村的入侵者就像人体热跟踪导弹一样将目标对准该村的妇女。Just as the "Hutu power" Rwandans sought to eradicate the Tutsi in 1994 by massacring women and children, Shasha's invaders are human heat-seeking missiles aimed at the village's women.