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如果你想追随上帝,那么做一个独身者。If you want to follow God be a celibate.

独身神职后来才出现。The celibate ministry comes about later.

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我不能接受你的爱,因我是个独身主义者。I can't accept ur love, cuz i am a celibate.

也就是说,一名僧人的生活就是独身的生活,对吗?Now, the life of a monk is a celibate life, correct?

许多大脑自恋者甚至在他们结婚后还会保持禁欲状态。Many cerebral narcissists are celibate even when married.

他已经进入了一个禁区,证实他是一个独身主义者。He has entered a forbidden area, he is a confirmed celibate.

妈妈,或者独身主义者,都是这类家庭的副产品!Mother, or celibate are a by-product of this type of family!

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然而,俗众却到处渴望他们的祭司过独身生活。The laity, however, everywhere preferred their priests celibate.

如果吉他是女人的,陈冠希跟我比简真像是个禁欲的和尚。If guitars were women, I'd makeCharlieSheenlook like a celibate monk.

在早期基督教之初,是没有独身神职的。In the beginning of early Christianity,see, you did not have the celibate ministr.

就算亚洲蛤和它那些看似独身主义的近亲也会时不时过次性生活。Even C. fluminea and their seemingly celibate cousins have sex on the odd occasion.

因此,对于那些想要健康存活而又坚守"禁欲主义"的蛭形轮虫而言,保持长时间干燥就是"谨遵医嘱"。So for celibate rotifers that want to stay clean, a good long dry spell is just what the doctor ordered.

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在这个时代,剑桥大学的终身教授必须保持未婚,独身禁欲并且担任圣职。This was a time when permanent fellows of a Cambridge college had to be unmarried, celibate and take holy orders.

他不鼓励居士和年轻独身者对灵性奋斗出现冷淡的行为。He would discourage in both the householders and the celibate youths any lukewarmness in their spiritual struggles.

有许许多多的真核生物秉持无性复制而非有性方式,但几乎所有的独身者们都在离现在很近的年代里转变了立场。There are plenty of eukaryotes that multiply by cloning rather than sex, but almost all turned celibate only very recently.

成为牧师后,如果妻子死了,他们也要在后半生,保持独身。If their wife dies after they become a priest, they're expected to stay celibate and single for the rest of their lives also.

城市里的大龄未婚女青年大多数是所谓的“才女”,即受过较高等教育的女子。Those elderly celibate females in the city are mostly the so-called 'talented ladies' which refers to the highly-educated ones.

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这位神一生中仍然保持独身。价值于自我控制,弃绝和抵制他的崇拜者的引诱。The God remained celibate throughout his life, and valued self-control, renunciation and resistance to sensuality among his worshippers.

英联邦很可能有数百万无性人群,但是却没有针对这些渴望爱情,但不想要性的人士的交友网站。There are probably a couple of million celibate people in Britain, but there were no dating sites for people who wanted love but not sex.

比方说,或许我该全然保持独身,除了留着一对帅气的二十五岁意大利双胞胎当情人。For instance, perhaps I could remain totally celibate except for keeping a pair of handsome twenty-five-year-old Italian twin brothers as lovers.