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这些托管机构都有保护区。All of them have reserves.

于是,我参加了军事预备队。So I enlisted in the Reserves.

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是通过部分准备金制度They do it with fractional reserves.

卓制公司拥有本次活动最终解释权。MESC reserves all rights of this event.

你的意志力存量是有限的。You have limited reserves of willpower.

外汇储备已成为一种权力资源.FX reserves have become a power resource.

我们应该有多少现金储备呢?How much should we have in cash reserves?

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中国煤储藏量仅次与俄罗斯。China coal reserves are only next to Russia.

秋明油田甚至拥有更大的储量。The Tyumen region has even greater reserves.

这里的铁矿储藏量很丰富。The place here is rich in iron ore reserves.

CIMA保有对议程进行调整的权利。CIMA reserves the rights to adjust the agenda.

伊朗以拥有世界原油储量的10.3%为荣,也凭此进入榜单前三。Iran boasts 10.3pc of the world's oil reserves.

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厨房预留炊事动力机械用电负荷100KW。Kitchen reserves 100KW three-phase electricity.

然而巴西拥有非凡的宽容度。Yet Brazil has remarkable reserves of tolerance.

锡矿储藏量不但丰富,而且易于露天开采。Not only is rich, and tin reserves to open mining.

有时候,你需要面对准备金的问题Occasionally, you get into problems with reserves.

萨索斯岛附近有石油蕴藏。Sasha Gunnar solskjaer island near a oil reserves.

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世界正在耗尽其石油探明储量。The world is running out of known reserves of oil.

他只是作为替补队员。他踢过一两场球。He was in the reserves. He played one or two games.

中国于外汇储备经营之道一向讳莫如深。China manages its reserves with considerable secrecy.