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他们都和猫儿一样,懒惰驯良。They are as heedless and as indolent as cats.

它和美丽的地上居民表现出的懒惰和安详有何关系?How was it related to the indolent serenity of the beautiful Upper-worlders?

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他们懒惰的态度是引起很多不必要的痛苦和折磨的原因。Their indolent attitude was the cause of much unnecessary pain and suffering.

在上海人看来,慵懒随性的生活里透着海派的余韵。In the eyes of Shanghaines, an indolent and loosening life symbolizes Shanghai style.

因为,一个人可以同时是忠于职守的,又是生性疏懒的。Because, a person can be loyal to their duties at the same time, is by nature indolent.

淋巴瘤的患者,临床发展通常是无痛性的和进行性的。In patients with lymphoma, the development of symptoms tends to be indolent and progressive.

一次坐在他们旁边的两个懒人让他们耽搁了一会儿,新闻短片开始了。Once two indolent people in the seats next to theirs delayed them, and the newsreel started.

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目的探讨经腹超声引导无痛人流术的临床应用价值。Objective To explore the clinical value of the transabdominal ultrasound induced indolent abortion.

结论涎腺粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤多为无痛性过程,发展缓慢,长期局限。Conclusion Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the salivary glands is an indolent disease.

不久我发现后来学到的内容真是少得可怜,因为我从没有碰到过比他们更懒惰、更容易疲劳的人。And very little doses I found they were before long, for I never met people more indolent or more easily fatigued.

类癌有别于一般的癌症是因为它生长较缓慢,有较好的预后。Carcinoid tumor is distinct from other malignancies because of its indolent behavior, so usually it has better survival.

他总结新的识别隐匿性癌的生物标志物和那些可能的去势抵抗的发展是被需要的。New biomarkers to identify indolent cancers and those likely to progress to castration-resistance are needed, he concluded.

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那些被贝卢斯科尼提拔上来的懒惰政客也许会被调离,但是现在还没有明显的动作。The indolent political generation brought forth by Mr Berlusconi may finally be booted out, but there is no obvious replacement.

本研究目的是观察含美罗华方案治疗我国惰性淋巴瘤的疗效和安全性。This study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of rituximab-containing regimens for patients with indolent B-cell lymphoma in China.

买受人怠于通知的,视为标的物的数量或者质量符合约定。If the buyer is indolent to notify the seller thereof, the targeted matter shall be deemed in conformity with the agreed quantity or quality.

布劳利博士说,“现在我们正在对癌症进行逆向探索”,近几年来,医学家发现许多癌症——如果不能说是绝大多数的话——是惰性的。“Now we are backing away from that, ” Dr. Brawley said. In recent years, researchers have found that many, if not most, cancers are indolent.

结论化生性胸腺瘤是一类罕见的具有独特临床病理特征的良性或低度恶性胸腺上皮来源肿瘤。Conclusion Metaplastic thymoma is a rarely encountered indolent or low-grade thymic tumor and may represent a distinct clinicopathologic entity.

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人如其他动物一样本性慵懒,如果没有什么鞭策著他,他几乎不思考,只是象机器人一样按照习惯去做。Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. if nothing spurs him on then he will hardly think and will bahave from habit like an automaton.

然而她仿佛也变换了位置,在他与那些树之间,他仍然看见她低头朝着炉火,脸上带着懒洋洋的微笑。But it was as if she too had shifted her place, and he still saw her, between himself and the trees, drooping over the fire with her indolent smile.

另一种人他们好逸恶劳,稍微辛苦一点的事都拒绝承担,好吃懒做,最后一事无成。The other kind of people who are indolent. They refuse to undertake a little hard work, but like eating their heads off. At last, they attain nothing.