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我的出生地是苏州。My birthplace is SuZhou.

百利甜的发祥地在英国。Poly sweet birthplace in Britain.

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湿地是生命的出生地。Wetland, the birthplace of lives.

你的出生地位于什么地方?Where is your birthplace located?

槎山是道教的重要发祥地。Cha Shan is the birthplace of Taoism.

苏州是核雕发源地。Suzhou is the birthplace of nut-carving.

欢迎莅临新月市,爵士乐的发祥地!Welcome to Crescent City, birthplace of jazz!

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曲阜是孔子的诞生地。Ronda is the birthplace of modern bullfighting.

早期的重庆邮电学院中国顶级电子人才发源地。Early CUPT the birthplace of China's tope-people.

二则是中共莱芜县委诞生地。The two is the birthplace of Laiwu CPC committee.

乐清是温州经济模式的发祥地。Yueqing Wenzhou economic model is the birthplace.

18岁的时候,贝松回到他的出生地巴黎。At 18, Besson returned to his birthplace of Paris.

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你要去寻找科波,我们所有人的出生地。You are going to find Kobol, birthplace of us all.

星城是太空飞行的诞生地。Zvyozdny Gorodok is the birthplace of spaceflight.

这个公园是保存司酋长的出生处。This park preserves the birthplace of Chief Sealth.

英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade.

日本是第一台卡拉OK机的诞生地。Japan is the birthplace of the first karaoke machine.

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尖山,钱江畔,潮邦的诞生地。Jianshan Oiantang River, tidal state, the birthplace.

柳州是中国南方人类的发祥地。Liuzhou is the birthplace of ancestors in South China.

维也纳被称为是西方经典音乐的发源地。Vienna is said to be a birthplace for classical music.