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我在庭院中除杂草。I weed the yard.

树木环绕着那个院子。Trees environ the yard.

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院落别墅的时代之筵。Era' feast of yard villa.

锦鲤池塘在边院。Koi Pond in the Side Yard.

在院子里玩溜溜球。Playing ayo-yo in the yard.

我们在铁路调车场工作。I work in the railroad yard.

我们在院子晒太阳。We were sunning in the yard.

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我喜欢在院子里散步…I love pottering in the yard.

我们一块来源自里玩溜溜球把。Let's play yo-yo in the yard.

那个女孩穿跑过了院子。The girl ran across the yard.

我们隔着大门从门顶上交谈。We talked over his yard gate.

我计划今天除院子里的杂草…I plan to weed the yard today.

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我再也没有去过那个院子。I never went back to that yard.

朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。Flowers bloom all over the yard.

他把马牵入围栏内。He led the horses into the yard.

他又一次走到他的小场地里去了。He walked out to the yard again.

她把狗关进院子的狗窝里。She kennels her dog in the yard.

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活动场地9850平方米。Exercise yard 9850 square meters.

她把庭院里的枝条拾起来。She picked up sticks in the yard.

农场周围榆树成篱。We planted some elms in the yard.