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许多疾病的发生与蛋白质糖链结构异常有关。Numerous diseases were known to relate with glycan structural abnormality.

对糖进行研究已成为生命科学领域研究的热点。The research of the glycan had already become a focus of the life science.

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其主要成分经生化检测含有多肽及聚糖类物质。Determing the content showed that its major composition was peptides and glycan.

糖复合物中的糖链具有广泛的生理和病理作用。It is important to de- fine glycan structure and correlate such structure with function.

若此差异来自于醣基本身,则可进一步探讨其差异的位置,以及其背后是否具有生理意义。If the difference is in glycan level, we can discuss the different site and the effect in physiology.

这是聚糖结构数据库的网站,它是一个已注释,辅助的聚糖结构关系数据库。This is the website of GlycoSuiteDB. It is an annotated and curated relational database of glycan structures.

而糖链如此复杂的功能是由其多样的结构决定的,糖链结构是糖组学研究的重要内容。And the complex function of glycan attribute to its diverse structure which is one of the important content of glycomics.

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甘露糖苷酶是一种参与糖蛋白合成和代谢的重要蛋白酶,它的功能是修剪N-聚糖中的甘露糖。The α-mannosidase is a key enzyme of N-glycan synthesis and metabolism, which functions on removing the mannose reside of glycan.

长期目标是建立一个在分子结构上有足够复杂性与差异性,具代表性的寡糖分子储存库,以符合研究上的需求。A long term goal is to establish a representative glycan library with sufficiently structural complexity and diversity to meet the demand.

主要的研究工作在于合成各种具有生物活性的寡糖分子,来支援基因体中心有关糖晶片的研究课题。My laboratory works are mainly focusing on the synthesis of biologically active oligosaccharides to support GRC glycan array research programs.

乳腺癌是妇科疾病中发病率最高的恶性肿瘤,从糖复合物糖链变化的角度来探讨乳腺癌的发病机制是当前疾病糖组学研究的热点。Investigating into pathogenesis of breast cancer resulting from the change of glycoconjugate glycan has become the hotspot in disease glycomics.

当前,该团队的研究重点是前列腺肿瘤的糖标记以及该类肿瘤病人的抗糖分子的自身抗体。The current focus of the lab group's work is glycan markers of prostate cancers and anti-glycan autoantibody signatures in prostate cancer patients.

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对近年来以质谱为主要分析手段的糖链分析方法研究进展做一综述。This article summarizes the recent progress in the methodology investigation of glycan analysis using mass spectrometry as a fundamental analysing instrument.

糖微阵列技术可以对生物个体产生的全部蛋白聚糖结构进行鉴定与表征,提高了聚糖分析通量。Carbohydrate microarray could identify and characterize whole glycoprotein structures of intact cells, which is high-throughput technology for glycan analysis.

糖组学是继基因组学和蛋白质组学后的新兴研究领域,主要研究聚糖结构与功能。Glycomics is an emerging field of life science that proposed as a new concept to follow genomics and proteomics, which focus on glycan structures and function.

我们认为聚糖谱系的建立是证实HSP96结构-功能活性充分必要条件的关键。We suggest that construction of the glycan tree is a key to identification of the necessary and sufficient elements in the structure-function activity of HSP96.

在基因层次主要是研究醣转移酶的表现程度、在醣基与蛋白质层次主要是研究醣基上的差异以及量上的差异。They approach the subject matter from gene level to discuss the glycosyltransferase expression, and from the glycan and protein level to discuss the glycoform difference.

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本文就近年来糖组学研究中糖蛋白样品的提取分离、糖链释放及结构分析的基本方法及相关技术进展作了简要介绍。The recent research progress in analysis techniques and methods of extract and isolate glycoprotein from sample, release the glycan and identify its structure are introduced.

本文就近年来糖组学研究中糖蛋白样品的提取分离,糖链释放及结构分析的基本方法及相关技术进展作了简要介绍。The research progress in analysis techniques and methods of extract and isolate glycoprotein from sample, release the glycan and identify its structure in recent years are introduced.

提供一个用户界面的每个糖信息学工具将从一个快速,直观,吸引人的用计算机可读的格式输入和输出多糖结构的机制中获益。Every glycoinformatic tool providing a user interface would benefit from a fast, intuitive, appealing mechanism for input and output of glycan structures in a computer readable format.