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罚点球时千万不可匆忙!Don't rush penalty kicks!

不存在罚点球情况。There are no penalty kicks.

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裁判刚罚了市队一个球。The ref just gave City a penalty.

错了的人将被罚酒。The penalty for errors is drinking.

他救我们脱离了罪的刑罚。He saved us from the penalty of sin.

裁判刚罚了市队一个球。The ref 's just give city a penalty.

裁判刚罚了市队一个球。The ref's just given City a penalty.

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我们要如何对待死刑?What do we do with the death penalty?

在罚球区内对方队员对他犯规。He was fouled inside the penalty area.

抄袭者将受到严厉处罚。Copycats are subject to severe penalty.

花费和罚款费用一路激增。The fees and penalty charges ballooned.

裁判吹哨,判了个点球。The referee is whistling for a penalty.

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他长传到禁区。He gave a long path to the penalty area.

他在罚球区被对方撞倒.He was brought down in the penalty area.

检察官大声要求判以死刑。The prosecutor bayed for a death penalty.

罚球区是失球的主要区域。The penalty area was the main fumble area.

这一点是会被扣很多分的。The penalty is a high deduction in points.

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德卡,这个罚球是我们唯一的机会。Deka, this penalty shot is our only chance.

他一次罚球得分,两次触地后射门得分。He kicked a penalty goal and two conversions.

他就在罚球区外让对方把球抢断。He was tackled just outside the penalty area.