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洞中的钟乳石千姿百态,形状奇特。Mix of the stalactite cave, strange shapes.

在钟乳石溶洞里,可以见到渗流现象。Seepage flow can be observed in stalactite caves.

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鼻子,很明显,是一个凝聚了的水滴,或钟乳石。The nose is a manifest congealed drop or stalactite.

龙洞的形成,要经历上千年的时间。It takes thousands of years to form a stalactite cave.

石笋在钟乳石下面,它们二者都在增长,最终会合。A stalagmite is below a stalactite and they both grow, eventually to meet.

当钟乳石与石笋连在一起,称之为圆柱。Once a stalactite and a stalagmite are connected, then it is called a column.

请诸位算一算,这么大的钟乳石得需要多少个漫长的岁月啊!You can calculate, how long will it take for the stalactite of such type to grow.

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正在生长的钟乳石上的水,落到地面上后可以形成“石笋”。Water that falls onto the ground below from the growing stalactite can form stalagmites.

请别高昂着头,否则你的头可能撞到突出的钟乳石上。Please do not hold your head high, or you might knock your head against some protruding stalactite.

左道可通观音岩,它因洞口有一组钟乳石酷似观音菩萨而得名。Guanyinyan heresy can pass it because of the hole like a group of stalactite named after Goddess of Mercy.

福岛县田村市的钟乳石洞每年吸引着30万国内外游客。Tamura City, Fukushima Prefecture stalactite cave attracts over 30 million domestic and international tourists.

洞内石笋、石柱、石琴、石幔、石花、石钟乳发育齐全,分布集中。Stalagmite inside the cave, columns, Shi Qin, Shiman, stone flower, complete stalactite growth, focus on distribution.

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剧本里最初是让卢米娜拉将一个吉奥诺西斯人钉在一根断裂的钟乳石上,以此引出他们是不死的这一概念。The script originally had Luminara impale a Geonosian on a broken stalactite to introduce the idea of them being undead.

地震发生的时候,洞内没有游客,仅有两名工作人员受伤,钟乳石出现一处损坏。When the earthquake happened, no tourists inside the cave, only two staff members were injured, occurred a stalactite damage.

倒金字塔。它是一个巨大的倒置的天窗,好象钟乳石一样在楼面夹层处悬着。La Pyramide Inversee-a huge inverted skylight that hung from the ceiling like a stalactite in an adjoining section of the entresol.

不远处有个石笋,已有些年月,它是由头顶上的钟乳石滴水所形成的。In one place, near at hand, a stalagmite had been slowly growing up from the ground for ages, builded by the water-drip from a stalactite overhead.

据专家推测,如此高大的钟乳石需亿年时间方能形成,为世所罕见,而如此生动的天然巨佛更堪称稀世奇珍。According to guess of expert, it might take a hundred million years to form such grand stalactite. Thus lovely natural grand Buddha is even more unique in the world.

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最近一个早上,我听到了一个不同的调——比根音要弱一点,可还是容易辨别——在我的右耳里鸣着,像一个洞穴里的钟乳石一样贮在那儿。One recent morning, a different note—fainter than the root note, but easily discernible—pealed distinctly in the middle of my right ear, a lone stalactite hanging in a cave.

但疲惫是有回报的,荒野的美景令人心旷神怡。四面悬崖直立,随处可见各种洞穴和溶洞。Your effort was richly rewarded by the wild and beautiful scenery, as on all sides rose perpendicular cliffs, which here and there formed charming grottoes and stalactite caves.

在他们的头次意象中,出现钟乳石意象的概率较高,患者通常都很忙,家庭内沟通较差,并有多例存在轻度持续创伤。There is a high frequency of stalactite in images of patients, who are comparatively busier and share less interaction with family as compared to those who don't suffer an intestinal cancer.