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罗礼士能把鱼淹死。Chuck Norris can drown fish.

查克罗礼士发明了水。Chuck Norris invented water.

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罗礼士是不睡觉的,他只是在等待。Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

罗礼士能够关上一扇旋转门。Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

罗礼士可以用脚打好鞋带。Chuck Norris can tie his shoes with his feet.

罗礼士可以用钢琴演奏小提琴。Chuck Norris can play the violin with a piano.

死神曾经有过一次「濒-罗礼士经验」。Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience.

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诺利斯太太住进了白色住宅。Mrs. Norris took possession of the white house.

罗礼士可以用直尺量出他的体重。Chuck Norris can measure his weight with a ruler.

在那之后的数分钟,枪杀在诺里斯大厅开始。Minutes after that, the shootings began in Norris Hall.

难道他们不知道嘲笑查克·诺理斯是不可能的吗?Don’t they know that it’s impossible to ridicule Chuck Norris?

罗礼士可以摩擦两块冰块生火。Chuck Norris can light a fire by rubbing two ice-cubes together.

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诺里斯姨妈离我们太远了,不会想到你这样的小人儿。Aunt Norris lives too far off to think of such little people as you.

黛博拉·诺里斯17岁时和约夏·比恩开始谈恋爱。Deborah Norris was 17 years old when she started dating Joshua Bean.

上帝能够在水上行走,恰克却可以在旱地游泳。Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim through dry land.

某些魔术师能在水上行走,罗礼士则是在陆地中游泳。Some magicans can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land.

耶稣把水变成葡萄酒,罗礼士把葡萄酒变成啤酒。Jesus turned water into wine, Chuck Norris turned that wine into beer.

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上帝说「要有光」,罗礼士说「该加个『请』字吧」。When God said, "Let there be light", Chuck Norris said, "say please. "

有些粉丝会穿超人睡衣,超人则穿著罗礼士睡衣。Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

中国的长城原本是建来阻挡罗礼士的,而它很悲惨地失败了。The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out.