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我仰起头看着顶上的美景,不觉痴迷。I supinely begin look goes against beautiful scene, unconsciously infatuateds.

今天天气比昨天好,下午去游泳时,本人竟然忘带游泳镜了,害的本人只要仰起头游,本人爸爸也没有好到哪去。Today than it was yesterday, go swimming this afternoon, I forgot to swim lens, I only supinely begin to swim, my dad is not to go.

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第四步,仰躺30分钟,可以在房间内播放一些自己喜欢的轻音乐,闭目养神。Fourth step, lies down supinely 30 minutes, may broadcast the light music which in the room some like, sits in repose with eyes closed.

短短的一个月,却如在冰窖里的一年,绝望没人理,无助没人管,我累了.再也无法再爬起来把头仰的高高的。A short month, like in an icehouse year, despairs actually nobody principle, the no use to nobody tube, I was tired. also have been unable to crawl again again supinely high.

难道我们高枕而卧,抱着虚幻的希望,待到敌人捆住了我们的千脚,就能找到有效的御敌之策了吗?Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

我们高枕而卧、苟安侥幸,等到敌人使我们束手就擒时,我们就能找到有效的御敌办法?Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot ?

我们无精打采地仰卧在那�,抱著虚妄的希望直到敌人把我们的手脚都捆起来,这样就可以获得有效的抵抗手段吗?Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

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难道就那么躺着,紧抱着虚幻的希望的幽灵,就能获得有效抵抗的方法,直到敌人把我们手脚紧缚?Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

他的那种几乎无法理解的冷漠,使得他在嘉莉游离出他的生活的时候,还能得过且过地满足于自我消沉,就像他能得过且过地甘愿看着机会从他的掌握之中流失一样。In his almost inexplicable apathy he was content to droop supinely while Carrie drifted out of his life, just as he was willing supinely to see opportunity pass beyond his control.

第四步,仰躺30分钟,可以在房间内播放一些自己喜欢的轻音乐,闭目养神,等待面膜干透。Fourth step, lies down supinely 30 minutes, may broadcast the light music which in the room some like, sits in repose with eyes closed, to wait for that the facial mask does thoroughly.